褚颖-文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)Chapter 3 Chinese Myth.pptxVIP

褚颖-文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)Chapter 3 Chinese Myth.pptx

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Chapter 4 ; 通过神话中的景象我们开始认识世界。 神话比历史更加真实。因为历史仅仅让我们看到事物的影子,而神话则让我们看到了投影的事物。 神话总是和真理交融在一起。 ; A myth is an image in terms of which we try to make sense of the world. —Alan Watts 通过神话中的景象我们开始认识世界。 ——阿兰 · 瓦兹 A myth is far truer than a history, for a history only gives a story of the shadows, whereas a myth gives a story of the substances that cast the shadows. —Annie Besant 神话比历史更加真实。因为历史仅仅让我们看到事物的影子,而神话则让我们看到了投影的事物。 ——安妮 · 贝赞特 It is difficult to separate, at times, the myth from the truth. —Bob Kane 神话总是和真理交融在一起。 ——鲍勃 · 凯恩;Chinese mythology;monolithic [?m?n?’l?θ?k] adj. 完全统一的 Korean [k?’rI?n] adj. 韩国人的;朝鲜人的 Turkic [‘t?:kIk] adj. 突厥语的;突厥民族的 exotic [?ɡ’z?t?k] adj. 异国的;外来的;异国情调的 euhemerism ?[ju?’hi?m?r?z?m] 神话即历史的观点(该观点来自古希腊哲学家 Euhemerus, 他认为古希腊神话是根据实际存在的凡人事迹改编的。) cosmology [k?z’m?l?d?i]?n.?[ 天 ] 宇宙论 deity [‘dI?ti] n. 神明,神灵;1. 口述 2. 文字记载 3. 真实记录历史 4. 史前时代;5. 中国的起源 6. 历史版 7. 神话版 8. 少数民族的先祖;1. in oral form 2. recorded in literature 3. a factual recording of history 4. prehistoric times 5. the origin of the Chinese state 6. a historicized version 7. a mythological version 8. ancestor of an ethnic group;1. Pangu ( ) 2. Nüwa ( ) 3. Houyi ( ) 4. Chang’e ( ) 5.The cowherd and the weaver girl ( ) ;A) Married to the heroic archer Houyi, one day she swallowed a Pill of Immortality and floated up to the moon. B) He shot down all the suns but one, saving humanity. C) She smelted together five-colored stones in order to patch up the azure sky. D) Once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the forbidden lovers, Zhinü ( 织女 ; the weaver girl, symbolizing the star Vega) and Niulang ( 牛郎 ; the cowherd, symbolizing the star Altair). E) He separate Yin and Yang with an axe and then stood between them, pushing up the sky. ;1. E 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D ;Pass 1: Pangu--Creator of the World Confucianism [k?n?fju???n?z?m] n. 儒家思想 Taoism [ta??z?m] n.道家学说 Buddhism [b?d?z(?)m] n. 佛教 cosmic


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