02 阅读理解记叙文20篇-2022-2023高一英语期末考试真题汇编(新高考专用)(解析版).docx

02 阅读理解记叙文20篇-2022-2023高一英语期末考试真题汇编(新高考专用)(解析版).docx

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专题02 阅读记叙文20篇 经典基础题 1. 福建省宁德第一中学2022-2023学年高一新生入学考试英语试题 Something Fun A person is on trial for murder in a court room in Oklahoma. There is strong evidence indicating that he is guilty(有罪的). However, the body is not found. In the defense’s (辩护方) closing speech, the lawyer, knowing that his client (委托人) is guilty and that it looks like he’ll probably be seriously punished, decided to play a clever trick. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury (陪审团), I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer says as he looks at his watch. “Within one minute, the person assumed dead in this case will walk into this court room,” he says and he looks towards the court-room door. The jury, somewhat surprised, looks at the door eagerly. A minute passes. Nothing happens. Finally the lawyer says, “Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all waited with expectation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you pass a judgment of not guilty.” The jury, clearly confused, back off to discuss. A very few minutes later, the jury returned and one of them pronounces a verdict (裁决) of guilty. “But how?” asks the lawyer in surprise. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.” Answers the jury member, “Oh, we did look. But your client didn’t.” 14. Why was the person on trial according to the passage? A. Because he couldn’t pay off the debts. B. Because he probably killed somebody. C. Because he didn’t pay the tax in time. D. Because he planned to cheat the jury. 15. Why did the lawyer come up with the trick? A. To find the body. B. To frighten the jury. C. To help his client. D. To save himself. 16. Why did the jury look at the door eagerly? A. The lawyer’s words must be true. B. They expected his family to come in. C. They were surprised and cheated by the lawyer. D. They thought the person on trial was escaping. 17. What did the jury member’s answer mean in the last paragraph? A. They fir



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