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Lecture 1 Introduction;;Fig.1.1 James Watt’s Fly-ball Governor (1769);1769 James Watt;1877 E.J. Routh Adolf Hurwitz ; The time-domain methods developed by Lyapunov, Kalman and others have met with great necessity for highly accurate control systems.;Supporting this endeavor were digital computers, which could be used to carry out calculations unthinkable several tens of years before. (Now, of course, these calculations can be done by any engineering student with a desktop computer.);Modern control systems are used extensively in industrial applications. Thousands of industrial and laboratory robots are currently in use. Manipulators can pick up objects weighing hundreds of pounds and position them with an high accuracy. The control of the modern automobile is also a very important application of control technology. Control systems for suspension, steering, and engine control have been introduced.;18th Century James Watt’s governor for the speed control of a steam engine was invented. 1930s Nyquist developed a method for analyzing the stability of controlled systems. 1940s Frequency response methods made it possible to design linear closed-loop control systems. 1950s Root-locus method due to Evans was fully developed. 1960s State space methods, optimal control, adaptive control. 1980s Learning controls are begun to investigated and developed. Present and on-going research fields. ;;Modeling:How should system be modeled such that we can control them? Analysis:Once we have models, we need say something about it. Response:What is the behave of the system under an input? Stability:Does the system blow up? Controllability:Can we make it well-behaved? Observability:Can we figure out what the system is doing? Control (Design Controller):How do we make the system behave the way we want?;Lecture 2 The State Space Description of Dynamic Systems Lecture 3 Analysis of linear state equations Lecture 4 Lyapunov Stability Lecture 5 Controllability and observability Lec


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