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“四个花费”讲解及对应中考练习 【真题对应练习】 1.(广州某校 2015 期中)--- How much does your new bike --- I 300 yuan it. ;B. cost, ; B. cost, buy···for C. spend; D. cost; paid···on paid···for spend···on 2.【2015 湖南长沙】Tom spent 200 yuan this book. A . in B. on C. for D. with will you half an hour to walk there. A . spend B. cost C. take D. pay 4. 【2015 广东深圳】It me two days to finish the work. A . took B. cost C. spent D. paid much did you for this MP4, Sally ---I got it for 800 yuan. pay B. spend C. take D. cost 6.【2015 湖北荆州】27. ---This dress looks beautiful on you. How much is it ---It me more than a thousand yuan. cost C. took D. paid 7.【泸州市 2015】9. --- Your coat is so beautiful. It must be expensive. --- Not really. I only ¥30 on it. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took .【2015·福州中考】--- I 5000 yuan on this iPhone. --- Wow, so much! I can’t afford it. spent B. paid C. Cost D. took 【2015 四川宜宾】24. I $300 for the bike. took B. spent C. cost D. paid 【2015 天津】34. I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team. spend B. cost C. take D. pay Im interested in animals,so I every Saturday working in an animal hospital Pay B. cost C. take D. spend They spend too much time the report(报道). writing B. to write C. on writing D. write ---What beautiful shoes you’re wearing! They must be expensive. ---No,they only l0 yuan. took C. paid D. cost 【2015 河南】---Will you please for my dinner Peter - --Sure! spend B. pay C. cost It will me too much time to read this book. take B. cost C. spend 【2015 江西赣州】This science book me a great amount of money. took B. cost C. used D . spent you often get online ---Yes, I lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C. take D. Pay (天河省实初二期中)She usually much time shopping in the supermarkets. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays 句型精练 她花了三个月的时间做这个试验. It to do this experiment. 他用了多长时间看完了这本书 How long did to finish reading the book 3.我们花了两个小时才找到他的家 two hours his home. 她在服装上花了很多钱。 She lots of money dresses. 我昨天花费两个小时完成作业 I my


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