仓库管理员岗位职责(中英文)Job description -Warehouse Keeper.docx

仓库管理员岗位职责(中英文)Job description -Warehouse Keeper.docx

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工作描述 Job Description仓库管理员 工作描述 Job Description 仓库管理员 Warehouse Keeper 2009-12-20 第 PAGE 1页 共 3 页 拟 制 Draft审 核 Audit 拟 制 Draft 审 核 Audit 批 准 Approve 岗位名称:仓库管理员 Position: Warehouse Keeper 汇报对象:仓库主管 Report line: Warehouse Supervisor 岗位目标:保证仓库储存物品的安全及物品收、发、存等仓储业务正常运转 Target: To ensure the safety of goods in warehouse and keep the normal operation of goods receiving, issuing and stocking. 岗位职责:Responsibilities: 遵循公司仓库管理流程,负责物品的收、发、存等日常仓储业务和作业,做好分管物品的帐、卡、物一致,确保库存准确性; Following the company’s warehouse management process, responsible the goods receiving, issuing and stocking, ensuring the account, mark and stock accurate. 负责在系统中做好出入库记录,确保数据输入系统及时和准确,并提交相关报告; Responsible for keying in goods issuing/receiving/shipping data into Fourthshift correctly and timely, ensuring the equality of actual stock qty and system stock qty, and reporting timely. 配合生产、销售、采购等部门的工作,协助其进行材料使用的计划、控制与核算; Cooperate with production, sales and purchasing departments, and help them to plan, control and account on raw material. 按照公司的政策实行月度、季度、和年度盘点,确保较高的库存准确率; To implement company’s policy to make stocktaking monthly, quarterly and yearly, and ensure inventory accurate. 负责对物料储存环境、质量、呆滞情况、不合格物料进行动态跟踪,及时反映并积极处理; Responsible for ensure the goods in suitable storage condition, focusing on slow moving material, unqualified material. Report and dispose timely and actively. 负责供应商寄售物资、其他部门寄存物品保管工作; Responsible for keeping the consignment goods of vendors and other departments. 负责定期对出、入库单据等资料进行分类、汇总与整理; Responsible for collecting the bill of documents of issuing/receiving/shipping regularly. 按照 5S 的管理要求,做好所管辖区的管理工作; Arrange the working area in good order according to the 5S requirements. 严格贯彻执行相关政策法规及标准操作规程,负责仓库区域安全生产及消防工作; Seriously implement relative regulations and SOPs. To be responsible for safety and fire prevention of warehouse. 负责叉车和仓储设备的维护和正常使用; Responsible for using and maintaining the forklift and other warehouse equipments in proper way. 负责工作中降低水、电、材料的消耗,节约资源和能源; Responsible for reducing consumption


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