Unit 3 Using language 高中英语人教版选择性必修第二册.pptxVIP

Unit 3 Using language 高中英语人教版选择性必修第二册.pptx

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To learn some useful words and expressions.To be able to use them properly. 1. (Para 1 L6) Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014 《美国医学会杂志》,2014 association n. [C]协会,社团 associate People often associate mooncakes with the Mid-autumn Festival. The decrease of the number of wild animals is associated with environmental pollution. 翻译: 大部分人把这个品牌和优良品质联系在一起。 n. [C/U] 联系,联想v. 联系,联想 associate A with B 把A和B联系起来 be associated with 与··相关联Most people associate this brand with good quality. 单句填空(1) The villagers avoided him because of his____________(associate) with the enemy.association(2) They don’t associate _______ each other after office hours.with(3) There are many serious health problems which_______________(associate) with smoking.are associated 2. (L6)This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be. 这是真的, 不管他们的饮食其余部分有多健康。 regardless of : in spite of 不管;不顾He keeps on working regardless of his illness.翻译:1. 尽管有优秀的球员,他们还是输了比赛。Regardless of having outstanding players, they lost the match.2. 不管他正确与否,我们都得接受他的决定。Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to accept his decisions.后+ n./V-ing/从句 3. (Para 3 L2) Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. 加工食品通常含有较少的营养, 并且比新鲜原料含有更多的糖、盐和脂肪。 quantity n. 数量; 数额They are producing the vaccine in quantity.A large quantity of money is spent every year. a large quantity of +不可数n. (谓语v.单数) 大量的Large quantities of money are spent every year. large quantities of +不可数n. (谓语v.复数)A large quantity/ Large quantities of doctors were sent to fight against the virus. a large quantity/ large quantities of +复数n. (谓语v.复数) in quantity大量地 【归纳】in quantity / in large quantities 大量地a large quantity of=large quantities of 大量的a large quantity of和large quantities of都可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。quantities of +不可数名词或复数名词+谓语动词复数a quantity of + 复数名词+谓语动词复数不可数名词+谓语动词单数 Ⅰ.单句填空(1) A large


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