Unit 2 Words and Expressions(3)高一上学期英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.pptxVIP

Unit 2 Words and Expressions(3)高一上学期英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.pptx

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必修二Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionWords and expressions(III)本单元知识点目标1.Learn the following language points:amazing,aware,concern,die out,adapt,measure,observe,remind,recover,remove,intend,exist.(重点)2.Learn the following sentence structures:This is why...,only+状语从句.(重点难点)本真教育 释放天性 · 博古通今 放眼世界本节课重点9.recover10.remove11.intend12.existThis is why...only+状语从句重点单词背诵:1.词性及意思 2. 拼写 3. 固定搭配 4. 词性转换 重在运用9. recover vi. 恢复;康复 vt. 找回;寻回eg.The police recovered my stolen car yesterday.警察昨天找回了我那辆被盗的车。recover from 从……中恢复过来recover oneself 镇定下来词性转换recovery n. 恢复;复苏;痊愈make a recovery from… 从……中恢复过来 Exercises①She soon recovered ___________ (she) and stopped crying. ②Even though he was hurt seriously in the car accident,he finally recovered ________ it.herself from 10.remove vt. 去掉;移开;脱去eg.The room is so small that I removed some desks.房间很小,所以我搬走了一些桌子。remove sth.remove sb. from school 开除某人remove one’s doubt/trouble 消除某人的疑虑/烦恼 Exercises①After the customer left the restaurant,the girl removed the dishes ________ the table.②The man was ___________ (remove) from the post because he broke the rules of the company by design.from removed 11. intend vt. vi. 打算;计划;想要intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事词性转换intended adj. 打算的;计划的be intended to do 为了做……be intended for 专门为……而设计的;专供……使用的had intended to do sth.=intended to have done sth. 本打算做某事(但没有做) ①They intended the plan ___________ (put) into practice within this year.他们打算今年内实施这个计划。②I intended to _______________ (watch) the game,but I was too busy.我本打算看这场比赛,但实在太忙了。③This kind of bicycle is intended _______ people who are too tall.这种自行车是专为身材过高的人设计的。to be put have watched for Exercises12. exist vi. 存在;生存Nothing exists on the moon as there’s no water and no air.月球上没有东西生存,因为那里没有水和空气。exist in 存在于……中exist on 靠……生活/生存There exists … 存在……;有……词性转换existence n. 存在;生活in existence 现存的;现有的come into existence 产生;成立注意:exist是不及物动词,没有被动语态,也没有进行时。Exercises①Nobody knows when the earth came ________ existence.没人知道地球是何时形成的。②He finds it hard to exist _____


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