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内容总结 无障碍与创新 我们共同的责任。在政府及公用事业部门,联邦政府的政策法规被州政府及各地政府部门及教育部门所采纳。在中国,50岁以上人口有1.6亿人,占总人口的12%(截至2008年12月)。技术:数字连通还是数字鸿沟。从静态门户到动态门户再到Mashups。未来的重点: 将现实世界与虚拟世界结合起来,提高盲人的独立性和活动性。网站所有者可以利用这个机制来提升未来网站的无障碍。吸引来自世界各地的7000万现场游客和更为众多的在线游客,并更好地为他们服务。http:// 。制定技术参考手册,用以支持508法案6个技术领域的要求。制定市场宣传资料(例如宣传册、培训讲义和内部市场视频) 第二十七页,共二十七页。 * Thanks, for the warm introduction. While strides have been made towards our collective goal of inclusion, there is still a great deal to be done – particularly in the area of information technology -- to ensure that people with disabilities are full and equal participants in society. As technology continues to evolve, the need for accessibility will increase. Who will be responsible for ensuring this integration into current and emerging technology? Who will drive continued innovation? People with disabilities? Industry and advocacy groups? Governments? Businesses? The answer must be “all of the above.” To address the technology needs of people with disabilities now and in the future, new partnerships will need to be formed. More public-private collaboration must occur. Responsibility will have to be shared. * Awareness is perhaps the greatest barrier to global adoption of IT accessibility. In our experience, governments and businesses already familiar with accessibility associate it most commonly with providing accommodations to people with disabilities. But accessibility is not just about people with disabilities, it’s about all of us. Successful global market penetration is dependent on expanding the definition of accessibility to include all segments of the population that can benefit from it – including the aging, non-native language speakers, people with low literacy, novice IT users, and others. Connecting the dots to all beneficiaries will increase the scope of impact of accessibility, elevate its perceived importance and motivate action among a greater number of governments and businesses worldwide. In the end, this shift in mindset benefits