Unit 6 Disaster and Hope Understanding ideas 课文理解学案高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx

Unit 6 Disaster and Hope Understanding ideas 课文理解学案高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx

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Sharks:Dangerous or endangered鲨鱼:危险动物还是濒危动物? 课文翻译+重点单词短语 We see a woman swimming (swim) at night in a dark sea. Suddenly, she is pulled underwater (被拖到水下). She surfaces (露出水面), cries in fear (惊恐地尖叫), then disappears forever. 我们看到一个女人夜晚在漆黑的海水里游泳。突然,她被什么东西拖到了水下。她挣扎着露出水面,发出惊恐的尖叫,然后就底消失了。 This is the opening scene (开场画面) from the 1975 film Jaws, showing (show) a shark attack.这是1975年上映的电影《大白鲨》的开场画面,呈现了鲨鱼攻击人类的一幕。 It tells the story of a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers. 电影讲述了一只大白鲨袭击并杀死游泳者的故事。 Jaws was a great success, attracting (attract) huge audiences and winning many awards (获得许多奖项).电影大获成功,吸引了大量现众并赢得了众多奖項。 It strengthened (strong) people’s long-held idea (固有的想法) of the great white shark as a dangerous animal.这部电影也加深了人们对大白鲨的固有印象:这是一种危险的动物 ? 重点单词短语: see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 in fear 害怕地 3. attack nv 袭击,攻击 strong adj 强壮的 strength n 力量,优势 strengthen v 加强 People have always been scared of (害怕) sharks, but Jaws make things worse (bad). It made people frightened of sharks (使人们害怕鲨鱼), especially of the great white shark. 人类本就害怕鱼,而电影《大白鲨》加深了这种恶劣印象,让人们对鲨鱼,特别是大白鲨,心生恐惧。 Many people who saw the film started to believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans. 许多看过电影的人开始相信,鲨鱼是吃人的有害动物。 Some people stopped swimming in the sea, afraid of the horrible creature (可怕的生物) from the film. 由于害怕遇上电影里描绘的这种可怕生物,有些人再也不去海里游泳了。 Other people started fishing for sharks, killing (kill) as many as they could. 而另外一些人则开始无所顺忌地捕杀鲨鱼。 ? 重点单词短语: be scared of 害怕 as many as they could 尽他们所能 At that time, nobody cared if sharks were killed, or how many were killed. People just wanted them killed (kill).当时,没人在意鲨鱼是否被杀,也没人在意杀了多少。人们认为鲨鱼死有余辜。 After 1975, the number of (……的数量) large sharks around America fell quickly, and soon fell around the world. 1975年之后,在美国附近海域里,大型鲨鱼的数量迅速下降,这一趋势很快蔓延到全球。 This was not only due to (因为) fear of sharks, but also finning (采割鱼鳍). 这不仅仅是因为人类对鲨鱼的恐惧,还因为采


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