ALAJE 近年问答精选(1-7).doc

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【关于Alaje的问答集】 本精选集摘录自昂宿星人Alaje的问答,即Alaje在他的2个视频网页(油管和VK)上对于观众留言的答复,时间跨度(2007-2020持续更新中)。该问答集涉及的面非常广泛,落地性、实操性强,是他的视频(1-24集)的详细解读和应用,并且有一些重要内容在视频中好像没有涉及过。 问答集的原文为英文,其中有相当一部分(特别是2007-2012年的问答),已经被好心人翻译为中文; 近几年的问答,我们也正在招募志愿者翻译、校对,感兴趣的请加QQ群(群号在本文最后)。本精选集的选择的标准是:重要、可用于每天生活(不空谈理论)、普适性。 关于Alaje问答集,资料如下: 1、部分中文翻译的网页版 /?s=alajecat=0 2、部分中文翻译、以及英文原文全文的合集(更新至2020年6月)的下载地址,网盘下载地址失效,导致无法分享,暂时放在q群文件夹里。 (宇宙之爱,是解决一切问题的关键) 《Alaje问答精选集(1-7)》正文: (为了简洁,一部分问题只翻译概要,不过Alaje的答复基本上是全文翻译, 感兴趣的可参阅英文原文, [ ]中为原文中没有,由翻译者加入的) (1) 05.01.2018 by Attila : Hello Alaje! Why can I see the aura more easily with a white background? How can I improve this ability? 777ALAJE : Attila, this ability is not mainly important. It is a byproduct. More important is the ability of real cosmic love in the heart and consciousness. This is were all the focus has to be. After developing this important ability of cosmic love, all the other byproducts like the third eye, can develop naturally and healthy without ego blockages. (1)译文: 2018年1月5日 Attila问:你好,阿拉耶!为什么在白色背景下更容易看到光环?我该如何提高这种能力? 777ALAJE答复:Attila,这种能力并不是重点,它是副产品。更重要的能力是在心中和意识中[具有和发送出]的真正的宇宙之爱的能力。这必须是一切的聚焦点。在发展了这种重要的宇宙之爱的能力之后,所有其他副产品,如第三眼,都可以自然而健康地发展,而不会受到小我(ego)的阻碍。 (2) 12.10.2017 VIDEO PART 22 COMMENT By 8Altah8: Dear Alaje, thank you so much for the new vid and for filming your trips, great work. Thank you for reminding about most important things, when i watch your videos i feel more like i am not alone thinking this way, there are others in other places of this planet, so thank you for this feeling of interconnection with likeminded people. Wanted to ask how do you estimate the situation on the planet right now, is it really getting better since 2012? I know there were a lot of groups since then working to rise the energies on the planet but it looks like something harms to these groups, this happened to my group for example. What do you think, did these groups really help the situation somehow? Do you know about the round of 13 (the group of like


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