A-L-A-J-E 近年问答精选( 31-38).doc

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【关于Alaje的问答集】 本精选集摘录自昂宿星人Alaje的问答,即Alaje在他的2个视频网页(油管和VK)上对于观众留言的答复,时间跨度(2007-2020持续更新中)。该问答集涉及的面非常广泛,落地性、实操性强,是他的视频(1-24集)的详细解读和应用,并且有一些重要内容在视频中好像没有涉及过。 问答集的原文为英文,其中有相当一部分(特别是2007-2012年的问答),已经被好心人翻译为中文; 近几年的问答,我们也正在招募志愿者翻译、校对,感兴趣的请加QQ群(群号在本文最后)。本精选集的选择的标准是:重要、可用于每天生活(不空谈理论)、普适性。 关于Alaje问答集,资料如下: 1、部分中文翻译的网页版 /?s=alajecat=0 2、部分中文翻译、以及英文原文全文的合集(更新至2020年6月)的下载地址,网盘下载地址失效,导致无法分享,暂时放在q群文件夹里。 (宇宙之爱,是解决一切问题的关键) 《Alaje问答精选集(31-)》正文: (为了简洁,一部分问题只翻译概要,不过Alaje的答复基本上是全文翻译, 感兴趣的可参阅英文原文, [ ]中为原文中没有,由翻译者加入的) (31) 18.07.2013 777ALAJE: Hello Kamelija Horvatovi? -----The reptilians / Draconians are reincarnating since millions of lifes as reptilians, because of the deep hate and evilness they have inside and the wish to conquer and harm others. Because of that they have accumulated a lot of negative karma and they want to continue with it. They are those who the earth humans are calling devils. Because of their negative energy and negative consciousness, they can′t incarnate on higher dimensions. The cosmic awareness gives them many opportunities to learn love, in order to develop. That is why they are incarnating a lot on planets like earth. On earth they get the change in many lifes to learn to let go of hate. They need many lifes because they can′t let go of their deep hate that is stored in their consciousness. So even when they are incarnated as a human, they act very evil. Those people are those who are attacking me all the time here on youtube. They hate love and freedom and they insult and harm everybody who talks about love. Many of them are fanatic cult followers, racists, or stalkers, who are telling lies about me, insulting me, blackmailing me, slander me, doing character assassination and threatening me to kill me, just because I talk about Love. They can′t see that with that action they are creating more negative karma for them, because they are influencing many others to stay in hate too and they are blocking those souls to learn a friendly behavior. They ar



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