袁蓉丽《会计专业英语》Chapter 6.pptVIP

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* Most entities adopted a financial concept of capital in preparing their financial statements. Under a financial concept of capital (such as invested money or invested purchasing power), capital is synonymous with the net assets or equity of the entity. * *The four basic rights inherent in the ownership of common stock are: (a) the right to vote in corporate matters, (b) the right to share in distributed corporate earnings, (c) the right to share in corporate assets upon liquidation, and (d) the preemptive right, which is the right to purchase additional shares in order to maintain the same percentage ownership if new shares are issued. * *在中国资本市场发行的股票,都是有面值的。 * * *本教材第124页的分录解释有误,股数应该是2000.麻烦您告诉同学,把1000改为2000.非常感谢您! * *这部分内容可参考中国的公司法等。 **Note that a company does not have to pay dividends. * *Date of record is the date selected by a corporation’s board of directors on which the shareholders of record are identified as those who will receive dividends. **On this declaration date (the board of directors formally declares its intent to pay a dividend); the company becomes legally obligated to pay the dividends. This liability should be recorded. * *可以参考各种版本的(英文原版)公司理财书。此处涉及股利政策及行为金融。 * a par $1, 1000000 shares authorized, 800000 shares issued and outstanding b par $0.5, 2000000 shares authorized, 1600000 shares issued and outstanding cpar $1, 1000000 shares authorized, 840000 shares issued and outstanding ***A thansfer equal to the market value of the new shares is made from the Undistributed Profits account to Capital Stock, Common Stock and Capital Reserves, Common Stock accounts: Transfer =800000shares×0.05×$8=$320,000. Of the $320000, $1 par ×40000 shares=$40,000 goes to Capital Stock, Common Stock and the remaining $280,000 to Capital Reserves, Common Stock. * a par $1, 1000000 shares authorized, 800000 shares issued and outstanding b par $0.5, 2000000 shares authorized, 1600000 shares issued and outstanding cpar $1, 1000000 shares authorized, 840000 share


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