二零二三年 优质公开课ColorPrinting(彩色印刷).pptx

二零二三年 优质公开课ColorPrinting(彩色印刷).pptx

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模块四:彩色印刷Module Four: Color Printingm课 程 导 入什么是原色印刷(三原色彩色印刷)What is the Process-Color Printing?教 学 目 标素质目标知识目标能力目标(1)会读写与彩色印刷相关的英文词汇;(2)会翻译与彩色印刷相关的文献资料;(1)掌握什么是三原色彩色印刷;(2)掌握彩色印刷方面的常用词汇;在学习过程中培养不怕苦、勇于钻研和探索的精神。 Key Technical Terms 关键技术术语:color separation 分色halftone screen 半色调网屏additive /??d?t?v/ primary colors 加色原色process-color printing 原色印刷(三原色彩色印刷)magenta /m??d?ent?/ n. 品红;洋红;cyan /?sa??n/ n. 青色;?negative 负片subtractive /s?b?tr?kt?v/ primary colors 减色原色filter 滤色片??* Passages: Process-Color Printing三原色彩色印刷 The process-color printing method is used to reproduce full-color pictures such as the colored continuous tone photographs. 三原色彩色印刷方法用来制作全色彩图画,比如连续调彩色照片。三原色复制过程包括:分色、色彩校正及色彩复制。Process-color activities include: color separation, color correction, and color reproduction.* Passages: Color Separation分色?/?pr?z?m/??n. 棱镜; A beam of white light passed through a glass prism result in a rainbow of color. This is because white light is really a mixture of all the colors of light. 一束白光通过玻璃棱镜会产生彩虹的效果。这是因为白光实际上是由所有颜色的光合成的。Each color refracts or bends differently as it enters and leaves the prism.每一种色光在进入和离开棱镜时折射和弯曲的程度都不同。* Passages: Color Separation分色 Three colors of red, blue, and green can be used to reproduce white light. Where all three colors of light overlap, white is produced. 红、蓝、绿三种色光可用来形成白光。只要把这三种色光叠加起来,白光即可产生。因为红、绿、蓝三种颜色叠加在一起形成白光,所以人们把它们叫作加色三原色。Red, blue, and green are called additive primary colors because added together they form white light.* Passages: Color Separation分色 Where any two additive primary colors of light overlap, a third color is formed. Red and blue combine to form magenta. Blue and green form cyan. Red and green form yellow. 任何两种加色光叠加都能得到第三种颜色。红色和蓝色合成品红色;蓝色和绿色合成青色;红色和绿色形成黄色。品红、青、黄叫作减色三原色,因为它们从白光减掉色光后形成了黑色。Magenta, cyan, and yellow are called subtractive primary colors because they subtract colors from white light to form black. * Passages: Color Separation分色 Color separation is done by photographing? the original color co


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