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  雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作优缺点 国家越来越相似similar countries   今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下国家越来越相似这一现象。哪怕没有出过国,我们看电影或者电视剧的时候稍微留意一下就不难发现,电影中国外的场景跟国内似乎并没有相差太远。街道两旁都是一样的高楼,商场里都是一样的品牌,主人公穿的衣服也往往都是T恤和牛仔裤。这种全球趋同的发展趋势究竟是好是坏呢?小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。   雅思写作大作文题目   Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?   因为人们在世界各个地方都能够买到相同的产品,国家正变得越来越相似。你认为这是积极的发展还是消极的发展。   雅思写作大作文范文   The differences between nations in terms of their lifestyle, food habit, fashion, choices, and traditions have already reduced to a great extent with the effects of globalization, technology and international agreements for open trade facilities. Since most of the international products are easily accessible globally, people have far more choices and freedom which have enhanced people’s lifestyle besides narrowing the gaps among nations. I postulate this trend a positive development.   在全球化、技术进步以及各种各样关于开放贸易的国际条约的影响下,不同国家人们的生活方式、饮食习惯、时尚流行、选择空间以及传统习俗之间的差别已经大大减少了。因为大部分国际产品在全球都能够很容易地得到,人们拥有了更多的选择和更大的自由。这一方面缩小了国家之间的差距,另一方面也提升了人们的生活水平。我认为这一趋势是项积极的发展。   To begin with, the availability of international brands like Apple, Google, Nike, Pepsi, Johnson’s, Samsung, Amazon, Toyota etc. in a country enables consumers to purchase quality products. For instance, someone in India can use the same technological products from Intel and Microsoft that an American uses and it facilitates reducing gaps between these two countries. ‘Barrier gaps’ among nations was a predominant reason for conflicts and with the advancement of the technology and mutual trade agreements, nations are aware of the foreign cultures more than they did ever before. This translation is from Laokaoya website. This diminishes the world tension and helps prevail the peace. Furthermore, affluent countries have created a vast market for the consumer products and this has helped them establish offshore offices and factories in developing nations. This is


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