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项目经理教程第八周下第1页/共38页 33Nature of ConflictResponding to ConflictHandling GrievancesEmotional Stress第2页/共38页 Conflict Handling StylesAvoidingCompromiseCompetitionAccommodationCollaboration第3页/共38页 Which conflict handling style will you use?第4页/共38页 Which conflict handling style will you use?Project Managers may have a preferred style for managing conflict第5页/共38页 Which conflict handling style will you use?Project Managers may have a preferred style for managing conflictYou should use different styles depending on the problem – and get there by using your ability to read situation第6页/共38页 avoidingaccommodationcompetitioncompromisecollaboration第7页/共38页 Characteristicsignoring conflicts and hoping they’ll go awayputting problems under consideration or on holduse of secrecy to avoid confrontationappeal to bureaucratic rulesAvoidingWhen to useTrivial, small/unimportant issueno perceived chance of resolutionTo allow a cool down periodTo allow others to resolve the situation第8页/共38页 Characteristicsnegotiationlooking for deals and trade-offsfinding satisfactory or acceptable solutionsWhen to usegoals are important, but not worth effortopponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goalsachieve temporary settlements to issuesarrive at solutions under time pressureback-up to collaboration or competitionCompromise第9页/共38页 Characteristicscreate win-lose situationsuse of power plays forcing submissionWhen to usequick, decisive action is vital, very importantunpopular actions eg. cost cuttingissues are vital to company welfareagainst people who take advantage of non-competitive behaviorCompetition第10页/共38页 Characteristicsgiving way submission and fulfillmentWhen to usefind you are wrongissues more important to others than yourselfmaintain cooperationbuild social credits for later onminimize lossharmony and stability are importantallow team members to learn from their mistakesAccommodation第11页/共38页 Characteristicsproblem-solving carriagetackle differences sharing idea


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