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Mr. Chen lives in Sunshine Town. After he got , he and his wife to a new house. Last year, they moved again when their children them a new flat. In the past there were small , shops and market stalls in the town. Now the place has a lot. The town centre is now a park. Many of Mr. Chen’s old friends have to other areas. Sometimes they come back and go to the new park to play cards and Chinese with Mr. Chen,but they do not often see each other. Mr. Chen feels from time to time. (二)合作探究: used to 是“ ”的意思,表示现在已不是那样了,后接 。否定形式和一般疑问句形式有两种: 否定形式: / 如:He didn’t use to drink beer. / He usedn’t to drink beer. (过去他不常喝酒。) 一 般 疑 问 句 : / 如 :Did he use to play basketball?/ Used he to play basketball? (过去他经常打篮球吗?) 3) be/get used to doing?现在习惯于做?? eg: He is used to noodles for breakfast.(have) get married to sb = . 与 某 人 结 婚 。 eg: Tom got Mary last year =Tom married Mary last year. until 直到? not ---until 直到??才?? eg : He did his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening. He do his homework 7 o’clock yesterday evening. lonely adj.指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒凉,无人居住的 eg: He feels lonely without friends./ This is a lonely house. alone adj./adv. 独自的(地) He lives alone . He is but he isn’t . (三)达标检测: 句型转换 Our village has changed a lot. (改为一般疑问句) our village a lot ? I was here in 1989. (用since 替换in) I here 1989. Have your parents lived in Anhui? (作肯定回答) , . 30000 people lived in the town . (同义句) 30000 people in the town. He has moved to Beijing. (对划线部分提问) he ?


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