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Unit 2 The Office Which office do you like?privateenough space open VIP office: large space, high positionQ: Does the office influence your decision of taking a job? Contents 内容Office equipment 办公室设备Office etiquette 办公室礼仪Office stories 办公室故事Business cards 名片Fringe benefits 福利待遇 1. Office equipment 办公设备 Post-it notesPaper clipsBinder clipshighlighterspushpinsScotch tapestaplesstaplerscissorsCan you name some of these office equipment in English? 你能用英语说出其中一些办公设备吗?stampFingerprint time attendance systemA 4 paper Is office etiquette important?point out the mistakes Does and DontsIn the meeting: no eating; no nose-digging;listening carefully no gossip wearing shoes that cover toesknocking the door before entering Vocabulary 词汇 etiquetterules governing socially acceptable behavior 礼仪,礼节Office etiquette 办公礼仪How well do you know your chopstick etiquette? 关于筷子的礼仪,你知道多少呢?unwritten etiquette不成文的礼仪written etiquette成文的礼仪 These are the unwritten rules that have nothing to do with office politics, a college degree or a past success; these are about YOU. 这些不成文的规定无关乎办公室政治,无关乎大学学历或是过去的成就,而是在于你自己。 Vocabulary 词汇 annoy He is not doing this to annoy you. 他做这件事并非是要惹你烦恼。it annoys me that … 让我恼怒(或生气、烦恼)的是…annoy people with bad comments 不当言论惹恼别人 respondRespond to sb. 对人做出反应/应答I greeted him but he didnt respond. punctual请大家准时到达,以便我们有更多的时间享受美好的自然风光。Please be punctual so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful nature. 我跟他打招呼, 他没答理我。Be punctual. 准时。 Vocabulary 词汇 Respect your colleagues’ time 尊重你同事的时间。Respect other peoples privacy.尊重他人的隐私。respectThe man jammed out his cigarette to show his respect for the lady. 那个男人拈灭了香烟以显示他对女士的尊敬。correspondencecommunication by the excange of letters 通信All my correspondence is handled by my housekeeper. 我的所有信件都由我的管家处理。cor(共同)+respond(做出反应)+ence(状态) Vocabulary 词汇 overhear I happened to overhear what he said. 我碰巧听到了他所说的话。Personal issues 个人问题A public topic 公共话题 Vocabulary 词汇 Don’t gossip. 不要八卦。He discredited(败坏) my goo


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