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Period 4 Reading For WritingUnit4 Natural Disasters人教版必修第一册Write a Summary Learning objectivesIn this class, you will1. read a news report about a natural disaster and two summaries of the news report;2. conclude what a summary is and how to write a summary;3. write two summaries. ⅠLead inWhat do you know about tsunamis? A very huge ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.由海底地震或火山喷发而造成的巨大海浪。 What is a tsunami? What causes it? Ⅱ ReadingThe Daily News (1) when and where did the tsunami happen?(2) What caused the tsunami?(3) Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies?1. Read the news report released the day after a tsunami and answer the questions. (1)When and where did the tsunami happen?Around 7:00 a.m. Sunday, the tsunami happened off the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. (2)what caused the tsunami? A most powerful earthquake. (3)Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies?Dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies. 2. What’s the structure of a news report?Headline(标题)Lead(导语)Body(正文)Ending(结语) 重点词汇1.Fishermen,tourists,hotels,homes,and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0.渔民、游客、旅馆、房屋和汽车被震级达到9.0的强烈地震所引起的巨浪冲走了。【词汇精讲】句中的sweep away意为“消灭;彻底清除”,句中使用的是被动语态。We would like to be able to sweep away those harmful rumors.我们要清除那些有害的传言。Mother told Tom to sweep away the fallen leaves in the yard.妈妈要汤姆打扫庭院里的落叶。He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away.他眼巴巴地看着帽子被海浪卷走了。 【词汇拓展】 2.The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m.,Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island.印尼苏门答腊岛西海岸周日上午7点左右发生了海底地震。【词汇精讲】strike vt. vi.(struck,struck/stricken) 侵袭;突击;击打 n.罢工;罢课;袭击句中的strike意为“侵袭;突击”,是及物动词。A huge forest fire broke out after the lightning struck.闪电过后,突然发生了一场森林大火。The man struck him on the face.那个人打在了他的脸上。A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river.我在河边散步时突然有了一个好主意。 We were all struck by his speech


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