奥本海默2023 Oppenheimer中英文台词剧本完整版.docx

奥本海默2023 Oppenheimer中英文台词剧本完整版.docx

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“普罗米修斯从众神那里窃取火种并将其送给了人类” PROMETHEUS STOLE FIRE FROM THE GODS AND GAVE IT TO MAN. “为此 他被锁在岩石上 永生永世遭受折磨” FOR THIS HE WAS CHAINED TO A ROCK AND TORTURED FOR ETERNITY. 奥本海默博士 Dr. Oppenheimer. 奥本海默博士 Dr. Oppenheimer. 开始的时候 我希望你宣读一份声明记录在案 As we begin, I believe you have a statement to read into the record. 好的 法官大人 Yes, your honor. -我们不是法官 博士 -明白 -Were not judges, Doctor. -No. 各位安全委员会成员 Members of the security board, 你们在阅读我的起诉书中所谓的审讯信息时 the so-called interrogatory information in your indictment of me 如果不结合我的生活和工作 cannot be fairly understood except in the context 是无法公正地理解的 of my life, and my work. 他作证多久了? How long did he testify? 说实话 我忘了 Honestly, I forget. 整个听证会持续了一个月 The whole hearing took a month. -一场磨难 -哦 我只读了文字记录 -An ordeal. -Oh, Ive only read the transcripts. -谁愿意公开自己的一生呢? -你当时不在场吗? -Whod want to justify their whole life? -You werent there? 作为主席 我不能出现 As chairman, I wasnt allowed to be. 他们真的会问吗? Are they really going to ask about it? 那是几年前的事了 It was years ago. -四年前 -五 -Four years ago. -Five. 奥本海默仍然分裂美国 Oppenheimer still divides America. 委员会想知道你的立场 The committees going to want to know where you stood. 瑟蒙德参议员让我说不要觉得你在受审 Senator Thurmond asked me to say not to feel that youre on trial. 有意思 你这么说我才觉得 Oh, funny. I didnt, until you just said that. -真的 施特劳斯先生…… -是将军 -Really, Mr. Strauss... -Its Admiral. 施特劳斯将军 这只是例行公事 Admiral. Admiral Strauss, this is a formality. 艾森豪威尔总统钦点你加入他的内阁 President Eisenhower has asked you to be in his cabinet. 参议院别无选择 只能确认他的任命 The Senate really has no choice but to confirm him. 如果他们提到奥本海默呢? And if they bring up Oppenheimer? 要是他们提到奥本海默 你就如实回答 When they bring up Oppenheimer, you answer honestly, 没有参议员能否认你尽了自己的职责 no senator can deny you did your duty. 确实很不舒服 Itll be uncomfortable. 谁愿意公开自己的一生呢? Whod want to justify their whole life? 你为什么离开美国? Why did you leave the United States? 我……我想学习新物理学 I... I wanted to study the new physics. 在美国不行吗? Was there nowhere here? 我以为伯克利大学有一流的理论物理系 I thought Berkeley had the leading theoretical physics department. 是的 直到我创建


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