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史麦戈 Smeagol! 上钩了 Ive got one! 鱼上钩了 史麦戈 Ive got a fish, Smeag. Smeagol! 拉上来 快快快 拉上来 Pull it in. Go on. Go on. Go on. Pull it in. 蒂亚戈 Deagol! 蒂亚戈 Deagol? 蒂亚戈 Deagol. 把那个给我 亲爱的蒂亚戈 Give us that, Deagol, my love. 为什么 Why? 因为 Because... 今天是我生日 我想要这个 its my birthday and I wants it. 我的宝贝 My precious. 他们咒骂我们 They cursed us. 凶手 Murderer. 他们叫我们凶手 Murderer They called us. 他们诅咒我们 把我们赶出家园 They cursed us and drove us away. 咕噜 Gollum. 咕噜 Gollum. 咕噜 Gollum. 我们哭得好惨 宝贝 And we wept, precious. 我们好孤单 哭得好惨 We wept to be so alone. 池水好清凉 食物丰富 and cool. So nice for feed. 我们只想抓条大鱼 And we only wish to catch a fish. 鱼儿多汁而甜美 So juicy sweet 我们忘记面包的滋味 And we forgot the taste of bread... 树木的声响 the sound of trees... 还有轻柔的微风 the softness of the wind. 甚至忘记了 We even forgot 自己的名字 our own name. 我的 My 宝贝 precious. 醒醒 Wake up! 醒醒 Wake up! 醒醒 瞌睡虫们 Wake up, sleepies. 我们得赶路了 We must go, yes. 我们得赶快动身 We must go at once. 你没睡吗 佛罗多先生 Havent you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo? 我睡过头了 Ive gone and had too much. 肯定很晚了 Must be getting late. 不 No. 不晚 It isnt. 还没到中午 It isnt midday yet. 白天变得越来越暗 The days are growing darker. 快点 Come on! 快走 没时间了 Must go! No time! 等佛罗多先生吃点东西再走 Not before Mr. Frodos had something to eat. 来不及了 傻瓜 No time to lose, silly. 给 Here. 那你呢 What about you? 我不饿 至少不爱吃兰巴斯饼 Oh, no, Im not hungry. Leastways, not for lembas bread. 山姆 Sam. 好吧 All right. 剩下的不多了 We dont have that much left. 我们要省着点 不然就没吃的了 We have to be careful or were going to run out. 你快吃吧 佛罗多先生 You go ahead and eat that, Mr. Frodo. 我已经分好了 Ive rationed it. 应该足够了 There should be enough. 够什么 For what? 够回家路上吃啊 The journey home. 走吧 哈比人 Come, Hobbitses. 快到了 Very close now. 快到魔多了 Very close to Mordor. 这里不安全 No safe places here. 快点 Hurry. 味道真棒 Its good. 绝对是夏尔原产 Definitely from the Shire. 长底烟叶 Longbottom Leaf. 我仿佛又回到了碧龙旅店 I feel like Im back at The Green Dragon. 碧龙旅店 Green Dragon. 辛苦了一天后 A mug of ale in my hand. 拿着一杯麦芽啤酒 双脚放在高背椅上 Putting my feet up on a settle after a hard days work. 得了吧 你从没辛苦过一天 Only, youve never done a hard days work.


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