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模块一 课后习题 第一部分 英国、美国 第1章 英美社会生活 Awer the Questio. 1 Why is it so difficult to describe the social life in the UK and in the USA in general? Key: Because there are similarities in both, yet differences can be seen not only in terms of the social life within each country, but also in the contrast of the social life between the two countries. 2 What are the five accounts in the explanation of social life in the UK? Key: (1) The two distinctio in the British society. (2) The different life styles in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in which the diveified life is emphasized. (3) The welfare programme. (4) The high standard of living of the British people. (5) The concentration of population. 3 What are the five accounts in the explanation of social life in the USA? How do you like the accounts in terms of social life in the UK and in the USA respectively? Key: (1) The diveity of its people. (2) The “nuclear family”. (3) The gap between the poor and the rich. (4) The social concer, premarital sexual relatiohips and homosexuality. (5) Violence in the USA. I think the accounts are very good. It makes us very clear of the social life in these two countries. 4 Why is the rate of divorce in the USA high? What is your view? Key: I think there must be some relatiohip with the sex morality. A lot of young men and women began to live together and have sex with different people before getting married. Rather than say their marriage is based on love, we’d better say it is based on sex. Marriage without love can’t last long. 5 What do you think explai the gap between the poor and the rich? Key: The difference between the rich and the poor is great because of the social system. 6 Imagine how different life is between a Muslim woman in Scotland and a Christian man in London and discuss the differences. Key: Fit, their clothes will be quite different, because they have different beliefs. Second, their accent will also be different from each other, which is decided


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