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中国垃圾处理以及卫生填埋的发展历程与展望Reviewand;中国垃圾处理设施数量变化图 Change of MSW Treatment Facilities Number in China ;中国垃圾处理设施处理能力变化图 Change of MSW Treatment Facilities Capacity in China ;4;城市生活垃圾产量预测 Municipal Solid Waste Output Forecast;6;;;;;我国焚烧;;北京 Beijing;;15;;;日本三菱重工株式会社(三菱-马丁逆推炉排) 日本杰富意(JFE)株式会社(超级往复式炉排) 日本田熊株式会社(SN型炉排) 日本日立造船株式会社 德国诺尔-克尔茨公司(阶梯式顺推炉排) 德国斯坦米勒公司(往复顺推式炉排) 法国阿尔斯通公司(CITY2000倾斜往复式炉排) 吉宝西格斯公司(SHA多级炉排炉) 瑞士VonRoll公司(R-10540型炉排炉);19;日本田熊SN型炉排炉 Takuma, Japan;吉宝西格斯多级炉排炉 Seghers, Belgium;日本日立造船 Hitachi Zosen, Japan;重庆三峰SITY2000炉排 SanFeng, Chongqing;国产二段往复式炉排 Domestic Stoke Grate;需要石英砂作为辅料,需要掺煤才能理想燃烧,在煤价较低或上网电价较高的情况下,掺煤越多焚烧厂的经济效益越好; 可以混烧多种废物,但是进料越均匀越好,一般需要有前分选和破碎工序; 焚烧炉内垃圾处于悬浮流化状态,为瞬时燃烧,飞灰量大,飞灰量是炉排炉的3~4倍;此外,流化床焚烧的一个特点是炉渣的热酌减率较低,仅为1~2%; 物料处于悬浮状态,烟气流速高,对焚烧炉的冲刷和磨损比较严重; 流化床炉的检修相对较多,年运行时间相对较短,通常只有6000-8000小时; 流化床炉起炉和停炉较为方便; 减少金属酸性腐蚀,发电效率较高。 It needs quartz sand as the auxiliary material, and needs coal mixed with waste to achieve perfect combustion. The factory will economic efficiency more as more coal is mixed when the coal is cheap and electrovalence from MSW is more expensive than that from others in China. all kinds of waste can be burned together, but it is better to mixed them up, and the separator and crusher is necessary before the incineration. The waste in the fluidized bed is at aerosol fluidization condition, and the fly-ash amount is 3~4 times of that of grate; moreover, the loss of ignition is much lower, it only has 1~2%. The speed of flue gas is very high, and the attrition to equipment is serious. Compared with grate, it needs more repair, but has the shorter running time which is about 6000-8000hours per one year. It is convenient to starting and blowing out.;高比重惰性物料循环 特殊布风结合定向风帽结构 二次风旋涡分段燃烧 垃圾渗滤液回喷炉膛焚烧;27;28;;30;2、新建垃圾焚烧厂将主要以大、中规模焚烧厂为主 New Incineration Plant Are Mainly Comprised by Large and Medium Scale Plant 我国新建的垃圾焚烧厂建设规模普遍大于600吨/日,我国大中城市新建的焚烧厂处理规模常在大于1000吨/日,焚烧厂配置以2~3台焚烧炉居多,单台焚烧炉的规模常在300~600吨/日,受政策影响焚烧炉的发展有大型化趋势。 The capacity of newly built plant a


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