人教版五年级英语上册Unit3 What would you like.pptx

人教版五年级英语上册Unit3 What would you like.pptx

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Unit 3 What would you like?Part B Read and write I say you do(我说你做)If I say 1 , you clap your hands.(我说1你拍手)If I say 2 , you tap the table.(我说2你拍桌子)If I say 3 ,you step your feet.(我说3你跺脚) Speak loudly Free talk---Whats your favourite food? ---My favourite food is ...---Whats your favourite drink? ---My favourite drink is ... Food:hamburgerice creamsandwichsaladbeef noodles... Hi,everyone! Lets guess(猜一猜Robin 会做什么美食?)Robin will cook today.What will he cook? Pre-readingRead and circle the food.(阅读便条并圈出食物) While-readingFill in the form(仔细阅读并完成表格)NamefavouritelikedislikeWu Yifanice creamonionschickensaladbeefGrandpachickenvegetablescarrotsTip:Skimming仔细阅读,并圈出关键词 Read and chooseTip:Skipping跳读,并选出他们都会吃的食物√ Lets read ??I dont like beef but chicken is OK.我不喜欢牛肉但是我喜欢鸡肉。Lets read Lets readI dont like but are OK. Lets make sentences (造句)I dont like but is\are OK. 我不喜欢...但是我喜欢... I like vegetables but not carrots. Lets make sentences (造句)I like vegetables but not . 我喜欢蔬菜但是不喜欢 。 What did Robin cook at last? Do they like it?Robin最后做了什么?一帆和爷爷喜欢吗? Listen and imitate(听音并模仿)Tip:Proniciation and intonation注意模仿语音语调 Hi,everyone! Post-readingPlease write to Robin.(写一张便条给Robin)word bank:chicken, beef, tea,salad, sandwich,fish, hamburger,ice cream, milk ...delicious, nice, good, yummy,sweet, fresh ...Dear Robin,My favourite food is ___. It is___. I don’t like ___but I like ___. Thank you!_____ Think and say(想一想并说一说)What do you think of Robin ?(你认为Robin是怎样的机器人?)He is ...(helpful, clever, cute, polite, strict, shy, kind, nice...) Please try to balance your diet by eating more fuits and vegetables.(合理膳食,均衡营养) Homework1.Read the text frequently. (流利地朗读本课所学的内容)2.Share your notes with your friends.(把你写的便签分享给你的朋友们) Thank you!


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