人教版小学六年级英语下册unit 4 then and now.pptx

人教版小学六年级英语下册unit 4 then and now.pptx

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Unit 4 Then and now Part C Storytime 2022202220222022Pre-readingWhere are they?They are at a science museum.Whats the exhibition(展览) about?Its about the changes. While readingHow many changes did Zip and Zoom see? Picture reading: What are the changes?A. Change of the earthB. Change of the humans(人类)C. Change of cookingD. Change of birdsE. Change of buildingsF. Change of whales√√√ Fast reading:read the story quickly and choose the correct choice(选择正确的选项,只填序号)changebeforenowin the futurecookingthe earthwhalesB.didnt cookA.many things to help you cookC.house robot will cookF.many trees and clean riversD.more and more bulidingsE.birds will have homes,the forests will be healthy and greenH.lived in the sea I.not many whalesG.will have a bright future Let’s go to the first exhibition hall. Whats the video about?Its about the caveman.Careful reading Where did they live?Lets discuss.What did they eat?They lived in a cave.They ate raw meat.A.B. Hi! I was a caveman.I lived in a cave.I ate raw meat.I didnt cook.I didnt do the dishes either.Can you act like a caveman? Ovengas cookerpressure cookerrice cooker...Now there are many things to help us cook. What will cook in the future?cookcleando/wash the dishesLets think.What can the house robots do?They can… Cavemen often ate raw meat. They didn’t cook their food.Now there are many things to help you cook.In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes.Its a good change about cooking. Let’s go to the second exhibition hall. beforenowThere are more and more________.Is that a good change?There were many ____ and___________.Think and fill in the blanks.treesclean riversbuildings Watch a video. Group work:Lets discuss.(小组讨论)What should we do?plant more treesgreen travelDont litter.save water.... Lets imagine.What will be the earth like in the future?word bank: birds, forests, sky, air, , flowers, river...have homes, healthy and green,bluer, clearer, more beautiful, clean


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