人教版四年级英语下册Unit 4 At the farm.pptx

人教版四年级英语下册Unit 4 At the farm.pptx

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Unit 4 At the farmB let’s learnUnit 4 At the farmB let’s learn I sayYou sayfreshvegetables I sayYou saylovelyanimals I sayYou sayhappyfarm Let’s chantI say “fresh ”.You say “vegetables”. Fresh ,vegetables . Fresh ,vegetablesI say “lovely” .You say “animals”.Lovely ,animals.Lovely ,animals.I say “happy”,You say “farm”.Happy farm. Happy farm Lead-inWelcome to my farm.(欢迎来到我的农场) cowcows These are cows.Presentation They’re so big ! henhens These are hens.PresentationThey’re so small ! horsehorses These are horses.PresentationWow! They’re so tall ! sheepsheep These are sheep.PresentationWow! They’re so cute! Sarah also sees many animals on the farm. Lets have a look! Let’s learn I want to invite you to my show.(我想要邀请你们去观看我农场的表演。)But you must help me do somethings and know the animals.(但你们得先帮我干点活并熟知动物 PracticeRead loundlyhorse大声读出单词 PracticeRead loundlyhen PracticeRead loundlysheep PracticeRead loundlycow PracticehorseGuessing Game 猜一猜 henGuessing Game sheepGuessing Game cowGuessing Game PracticeLook and sayThese are _______They‘re so ______.sheepcute看图说句子 PracticeLook and sayThese are _______.They‘re so ______.cowsbig PracticeLook and sayThese are _______.They‘re so ______.horsestall PracticeLook and sayThese are _______.They‘re so ______.henssmall Draw your farm and share it in group. Draw your farm and share it in group. Draw your farm and share it in group. Draw your farm and share it in group. Draw your farm and share it in group. Animals are our friends.We love animals.(动物是我们人类的好朋友,我们要爱护他们。) SummaryhorsecowsheephenThese are ...They are... Homework1. Listen and act out “Lets learn”.2. Read “Let’s chant” with your friends.3. Finish exercises. Goodbye!


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