
Chapter 6 Reading(课件)新版朗文英语二年级上册.ppt

Chapter 6 Reading(课件)新版朗文英语二年级上册.ppt

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Functions21st Century Knowledge and SkillsDescribing locations Critical thinking / information literacyReading SkillsGiving personal responses to the textMaking predictions / observations about the text / picturesInferring meaning from the text Relating the text to selfLocating specific information in response to questions ReadingPre-reading – Introducing the settingFirst reading– Shared readingSecond reading– Reading aloud – Activity 1: Assessment for learningPost-reading– Activity 2: Readers’ theatre– Activity 3: Complete the map – Activity 4: Find the characters Today we are going to read a story. Let’s look at some pictures! Pre-reading snack barpondtoiletsplaygroundslidesee-sawWhat places can you see?Click on each place to see their names.Ferris wheeltoilets CharlieCherryMrs ChowMr ChowDo you go to the park with your mum and dad? Can you guess what happens next?Charlie and Cherry can’t see their mum and dad! Let’s read the story!First reading Where does Charlie want to go? Does Cherry want to go to the toilet? Where are Charlie and Cherry?Where are the toilets? Where are Mr and Mrs Chow?Where are the toilets? Why can’t Charlie and Cherry see their mum and dad? Let’s watch the video and read the story again! Second reading Answers Let’s do some more activities!Post-reading Readers’ theatre Where’s the ___________ ???Park A?You are here. Park AYou are here. Where’s the ______________ ????You are here.Park B You are here.Park B 知识源自点滴2023年如遇课件中视频、音频无法正常播放,请在网站联系上传者索取完整版本。如需与课件配套的教学设计、随堂练习,请与上传者联系索取。


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