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作者:diandatiku ·题目、 一、交际用语 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。 —How are you? —__________ ·选项、 ?I’m 25 years old. I’m fine,?thanks. How do you do?? 【答案】 I’m fine,?thanks. ·题目、 —Would you like tea or coffee? —__________ ·选项、 Yes, please. Yes, I would. Tea, please.? 【答案】 Tea, please.? ·题目、 —__________ — Eh, I’d like to buy some green tea. ·选项、 What?do you want, Sir? Do you like green tea? Can I help you, Madam?? 【答案】 Can I help you, Madam?? ·题目、 —Would you like to sit down and have a drink? ?—__________ ·选项、 Yes, I’d love to. Thank you! It’s a good idea. Why not? Thank you. 【答案】 Yes, I’d love to. Thank you! ·题目、 —Would you like me to help you to select some tea? ?—__________ ·选项、 You’re welcome. It is very kind of you. Yes, I like it.? 【答案】 It is very kind of you. ·题目、 二、词汇与语法 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项。 We Chinese like to drink tea _____ milk. ·选项、 in on without 【答案】 without ·题目、 My friend?_____?John?to me?yesterday. ·选项、 greeted visited introduced 【答案】 introduced ·题目、 They are _____?to see their son back home. ·选项、 please pleased pleasing 【答案】 pleased ·题目、 _____?she goes shopping with her?friends on Sunday. ·选项、 Sometimes Some times Some time 【答案】 Sometimes ·题目、 Tea culture _____ between China and the western countries. ·选项、 differ differs different 【答案】 differs ·题目、 The teachers?will _____?what to teach during the next term. ·选项、 think discuss turn 【答案】 discuss ·题目、 12.?It is very kind of you to?_____?your seat to an old woman on a bus. ·选项、 offer offers offered 【答案】 offer ·题目、 Please _____ the foreign guests around the university. ·选项、 take give show 【答案】 show ·题目、 She’s?delighted about her _____?as leader.? ? ·选项、 selective select selection 【答案】 selection ·题目、 The student?_____ English in class. ·选项、 speak speaks speaking 【答案】 speaks ·题目、 Knowledge?_____?power. ·选项、 be is are 【答案】 is ·题目、 That’s _____?important matter.? ·选项、 a an the 【答案】 an ·题目、 18.?There are _____ on the table. ·选项、 two glass of waters? ? two glass of water?? two glasses?of water? ?? 【答案】 two glass


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