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四川海螺沟冰川温泉 第三节 地下水的地质作用 一、地下水的剥蚀作用和喀斯特现象 1. 地下水的剥蚀—潜蚀 (1)机械冲刷 (2)溶蚀—含碳酸根的地下水对可溶性岩石的溶解。 CaCO3+CO2+H2O=Ca2++2HCO-3 2. 喀斯特(karst)(岩溶) 以地下水为主、地表水为辅,对可溶性岩石进行以化学溶蚀为主、机械冲刷为辅的地质作用,也指由该作用形成的地貌。 1 2 3 4 5 1.垂直循环带;2.季节变化带;3.水平循环带;4. .深部循环带 1 2 3 4 3. 喀斯特地貌 溶沟和石芽; 落水洞; 溶斗与喀斯特湖; 干谷和盲谷; 峰丛,峰林,孤峰; 溶洞和地下暗河; 溶蚀谷和天生桥; 喀斯特洼地与喀斯特平原。 各种喀斯特地貌 形态组合:I-喀斯特高原;II-峰丛-洼地;III-峰林-洼地;IV-喀斯特平原。 喀斯特形态:1-喀斯特塌陷;2-石林;3-溶蚀洼地;4-落水洞(或漏斗);5-暗河;6-地下湖;7-溶隙;8-溶蚀残丘(或孤峰);9-石柱;10-石钟乳;11-石笋;12-石幕;13-洞穴角砾;14-抬升的洞穴;15-溶岩泉;16-陡崖。 A-地表溶岩;B-地下溶岩。 岩溶作用 地下河 第一节 研究简史 JOVAN CVIJIC (500 DINARS:塞尔维亚第纳尔(Serbian dinars)2006年10月25日止) Jovan Cvijic is one of our most prominent scientists. He was primarily geo-morphologist and founder of anthropological geography. In addition, he was studying natural, historical, social, economic and even ethno-psychological processes and phenomena. He was born on 12 October 1865 in Loznica. His interest in scientific work started back at the Great School of Belgrade and continued throughout his professorship in the Second Belgrade Gymnasium. He studied physical geography and geology in Vienna, specializing in the karst in Serbia, Istria and Adriatic. As a result, he published many scientific works and doctoral dissertation “The Karst” published in our language as well. In March 1893, he became regular professor at the Great School teaching physical geography and ethnology. He founded Geographical Institute in which the Serbian Geographic Society started to function in 1910. He was a rector of the University of Belgrade twice. During the First World War he lived in Switzerland and then in France where he was invited to teach at the Sorbonne. After the war, he returned to the country and resumed his work at the university. He died on 16 January 1927 in Belgrade. He bequeathed his property to the “Serbian Geographic Society” whose president he was 第二节 地下水的基本概念 一、地下水的赋存条件 (孔隙和透水性) 1、岩石孔隙 (1)孔隙(pore) 孔隙度(porosity) n=Vn/Vx100% Vn-孔隙体积,V-岩石体积 孔隙度大小的影响因素


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