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10.24Get ready for the class1. 教材2.三级跳Homework1. 三级跳 P7 完型2. 教材 10.25Get ready for the class1. 教材2.三级跳Homework1. 三级跳 P10能力提升1-15 P21 B篇阅读2. L3学案词汇 Your Life Is What You Make ItUnit 1 Lesson 3 teaching building sports goundsynthetic running track / racetracksoccer/football field/courtcity school(modern)blackboardmultiple media equipmentcentral air conditioner (AC)lights with stable power supplies What do you think of the school?a 乡村 school in a 非常 poor areaquitevillage dusty sports goundmuddy sports goundsmall classroomunstable power and water supplies What would it be like to a volunteer teacher there?toughchallenging Skim to get a general idea of each paragragh Para. 1 A day for Zhang Tian in a village school.Para. 2 to be a volunteer teacher.Para. 3 when he arrived .Para. 4 he made to the school and activitiesPara. 5 he made to learning and villagers’ life. typicalReasonsSituationsChangessubjectsChangesstudents’Skim: read very fast to get the main idea by focusing on certain key words instead of detailsUsually, when do skimming, you only read the first last sentence of each paragraph. Read again and complete the flow chart.Reasons to Be a Volunteer TeacherSituations When He ArrivedChanges He Made School:Living conditions:School subjectsSchool activitiesStudents’ learningVillagers’ life Read again and complete the flow chart.Reasons to Be a Volunteer TeacherSituation When He ArrivedChanges He MadeSchool:Living conditions:School subjectsSchool activitiesStudents’ learningVillagers’ lifeintroduced more subjects; would organise the first school concert;He wanted to start a new lifestyle.He was inspired by the idea of going to teach where he was needed the most.much smaller; dusty and



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