【英语版】国际标准 ISO 8290:1998 EN Vitreous and porcelain enamels — Determination of resistance to sulfuric acid at room temperature 搪瓷和瓷釉 室温下耐硫酸性能的测定.pdf
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- | 1998-07-23 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO 8262-2:1987 EN 乳制品和乳制食品 用 Weibull- Berntrop 重量法测定脂肪含量(参考方法) 第2部分:食用冰和混合冰 Milk products and milk-based foods — Determination of fat content by the Weibull- Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) — Part 2: Edible ices and ice-mixe.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8262-2:1987 EN Milk products and milk-based foods — Determination of fat content by the Weibull- Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) — Part 2: Edible ices and ice-mixes 乳制品和乳制食品 用 Weibull- Berntrop 重量法测定脂肪含量(参考方法) 第2部分:食用冰和混合.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8262-3:1987 EN 乳制品和乳制食品 用 Weibull- Berntrop 重量法(参考方法)测定脂肪含量 第3部分:特殊情况 Milk products and milk-based foods — Determination of fat content by the Weibull- Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) — Part 3: Special cases.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8262-3:1987 EN Milk products and milk-based foods — Determination of fat content by the Weibull- Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) — Part 3: Special cases 乳制品和乳制食品 用 Weibull- Berntrop 重量法(参考方法)测定脂肪含量 第3部分:特殊情况.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8265:1988 EN 水质 浅层淡水石质底层底栖大型无脊椎动物定量采样器的设计和使用 Water quality — Design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8265:1988 EN Water quality — Design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters 水质 浅层淡水石质底层底栖大型无脊椎动物定量采样器的设计和使用.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8267:1985 EN 飞机 拖杆连接装置 接口要求 Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings — Interface requirements.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8267:1985 EN Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings — Interface requirements 飞机 拖杆连接装置 接口要求.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8267:1997 EN 飞机 最大起落架质量超过 50 000 千克(110 000 磅)的运输机的牵引杆连接配件 接口要求 Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings for transport aircraft with a maximum ramp mass over 50 000 kg (110 000 lb) — Interface requirements.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8267:1997 EN Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings for transport aircraft with a maximum ramp mass over 50 000 kg (110 000 lb) — Interface requirements 飞机 最大起落架质量超过 50 000 千克(110 000 磅)的运输机的牵引杆连接配件 接口要求.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8292:1991 EN 动物和植物油脂 固体脂肪含量的测定 脉冲核磁共振法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of solid fat content — Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance method.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8292:1991 EN Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of solid fat content — Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance method 动物和植物油脂 固体脂肪含量的测定 脉冲核磁共振法.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8293:1990 EN 动植物油脂 膨松度的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of dilatation.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8293:1990 EN Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of dilatation 动植物油脂 膨松度的测定.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8295:1986 EN 塑料 薄膜和薄片 摩擦系数的测定 Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of the coefficients of friction.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8295:1986 EN Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of the coefficients of friction 塑料 薄膜和薄片 摩擦系数的测定.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8296:1987 EN 塑料 薄膜和薄片 润湿张力的测定 Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of wetting tension.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8296:1987 EN Plastics — Film and sheeting — Determination of wetting tension 塑料 薄膜和薄片 润湿张力的测定.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8298:1987 EN 硝酸溶液中钚的测定 铈(IV)氧化法、硫酸铵铁(II)还原法和重铬酸钾安培反滴定法 Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions — Method by oxidation by cerium(IV), reduction by iron(II) ammonium sulfate and amperometric back-titration with potassium dichro.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 8298:1987 EN Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions — Method by oxidation by cerium(IV), reduction by iron(II) ammonium sulfate and amperometric back-titration with potassium dichromate 硝酸溶液中钚的测定 铈(IV)氧化法、硫酸铵铁(II)还原法和重铬酸钾安培.pdf
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