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【标题】《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结 【作者】涂丽娜 【关键词】恋母情结;?家庭因素;?社会因素;心理分裂 【指导老师】任 敏 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction David Herbert Lawrence is one of the greatest and most controversial English novelists in the 20th century. During his life-long literary career, he had written more than ten novels, several volumes of short stories and a large number of poems. Lawrence is not only a great novelist, but also a famous poet, a sharp essay author, an experienced traveler and a productive literature reporter. At the same time, he spreads his genius to many fields, such as commentary, philosophy and drawing. However, he is first of all a novelist. The important point is that these novels win immense reputation. He dares to break the writing way of other writers in the 19th century. With especial style and vivid psychological depiction, he describes the primal and natural beauty to show the instinctive power of human beings. Lawrence’s works are understood hardly, so he is the controversial figure in the history of literature all the time. A few writers and critics in the same epoch appreciate him, but most of them don’t agree with Lawrence. Some people think he is a heretic in emotion and morbid sexual maniac; others regard his belief as strange and inconceivable one. In1950s, a current began to raise, which recognized and reappraised Lawrence and his work. After the publication of the novel Sons and Lovers, Lawrence was settled his position as a famous novelist. The Rainbow and Women in Love are two of his novels. They make Lawrence became one of the great novelist in 20th century. A novelist named F. R. Leavis claimed:?“…not only he is our last great writer, he is still the great writer of our phase of civilization. He is one of the greatest authors on literature creation of our decade, and one of great masters on English literature.” Mark Spilka, an American critic introducing the 1963 collection of Twentieth-Century View on Lawrence, also noted that he:?“is now generally recognized a


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