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Abstract 摘要 财经学院工商管理系 Ⅰ 青海大学学生群体网上购物行为分析及营销对策研究 摘要 近些年来,计算机技术和互联网的深入发展为中国经济的持续发展注入了新的活力。当今中国,互联网和电子计算机的应用正趋于平民化,越来越多的人接触到互联网,并从中获益。在此背景下,中国的电子商务面临着前所未有的发展机遇。 大学生是一个十分特殊的消费群体,一方面他们处于学校这一相对独立的环境下,使得他们与社会消费群体相比有着十分鲜明的个性特征,在消费观念上他们比较超前,对于新的消费趋势有着敏感的嗅觉并勇于尝试;另一方面他们本身没有什么经济来源,经济上并未独立,因此消费水平相对有限。消费观念超前与消费水平相对滞后相互制约,影响着其消费行为特征。为了深入研究大学生的网上购物行为特征,更好的为企业网络营销提供参考,培养当代大学生良好的消费习惯。文章以西部高校青海大学为例,主要采用问卷调查形式收集相关资料,在此基础上运用Excel图表进行统计分析,并从网络营销的角度为企业如何适应大学生网上购物行为特征提出了具有参考性的对策。 关键词:青海大学,大学生,网上购物行为特征 财经学院工商管理系 Ⅱ QINGHAI UNIVERSITY STUDENT GROUP BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ONLINE SHOPPING AND MARKETING STRATEGY ABSTRACT In recent years, computer technology and the Internet in-depth development of Chinas sustained economic development has injected new vitality. Today of China, the Internet and computer applications are becoming the civilian population, more and more people access to the Internet and benefit from it. In this context, the Chinese e-commerce is facing an unprecedented development opportunity. College students are a very special consumer groups .One hand, they are in the school environment, which is relatively independent ,so that they have a very distinct personality characteristics compared with the social consumer groups, they are more advanced on consumer attitudes, and have a sensitive sense of consumption trends for the new and the courage to try ;on the other hand , they do not have any source of income, they did not achieve economic independence , so the level of consumption is relatively limited. Consumer attitudes and consumption levels are relatively lag ahead of mutual restraint and affect their consumption behavior. In order to study online shopping behavior characteristics of college students, have a better reference for the enterprise network marketing, develop good spending habits of college students .Th


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