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顾客选择标准 我们的“A”级顾客 Customer Selection Criteria Our “A” Class Customers [企业名称] [Business Name] 欢迎辞… Welcome… 导言 Introductions 注意事项  Housekeeping 会议目的  Purpose of Session 概述… Overview… 为什么企业要选择他们的顾客? Why should a business select their customers? 谁是“A”级顾客? Who are “A” class customers? 谁是“D”级顾客?  Who are “D” class customers? 制定顾客选择标准  Developing customer selection criteria 改善你的顾客基础  Improving your customer base 结论  Conclusion 为什么要选择你的顾客? Why Select Your Customers? 选择你的顾客是构建一个成功企业的重要部分 它使你瞄准并只为那些能为企业带来增值的顾客服务  Selecting your customers is an important part of building a successful business It allows you to target and serve only those customers that actually add value to your business 记住数量≠质量 帕累托原则--二/八原则  Remember Quantity ≠ Quality The Pareto Principle - 80 / 20 rule 为什么要选择你的顾客? Why Select Your Customers? 你能从制定并实施顾客选择标准中获得以下益处: There are many benefits that you will gain from developing and implementing customer selection criteria: 你能通过改善你的客户来改善你的业务; You will improve your business by improving your clientele; 员工的工作满意度会得以增加; Team members will have increased job satisfaction; 拥有更多时间改进你的企业服务水平; More time to improve your business service levels; and 盈利能力得以增加。 Increased profitability. 为什么要选择你的顾客? Why Select Your Customers? “增加顾客的数量(最理想的客户类型!)” “Increasing the number of customers (the ideal type!)” 这是“4个发展你的企业的方法”中的4条原则之一  This is one of the 4 key principles of ‘The 4 Ways To Grow Your Business’ “增加顾客的数量(最理想的客户类型!)” 会帮助你发展你的企业和增强其盈利能力。  Increasing the number of customers (the ideal type!) will assist you to grow your business and increase its profitability 举例… Example… 举例… Example… 为什么要选择你的顾客? Why Select Your Customers? 重要的是,记住你只想增加你所服务的“A”类顾客的数量。  However it is important to remember that you only want to increase the number of “A” class customers you serve 记住数量≠质量  Remember Quantity ≠ Quality! 谁是“A”类顾客? Who Are “A” Class Customers? “A级”顾客就是那种你希望吸引到你的企业中来的顾客类型  An ‘A-class’ customer is the type of person you wish to attract to our business 他们是那种重视你提供给他们的产品和服务、并愿意为这些产品和服务付


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