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湖 北 大 学 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 影视植入式广告传播效果研究 姓 名 黄 卓 学 号 2008221112210524 专业年级 市场营销08级 指导教师 周 明 职 称 讲师 2012 年 4月 2 日 目 录 影视植入式广告传播效果研究 摘 要 在市场竞争日益激烈、营销手段日新月异的今天,广告作为一种信息传播与促销的手段已越来越为企业所重视和应用,广告的支出费用不断攀升,花样更是层出不穷。而植入式广告正是这一时期新起的广告传播形式,近些年,国内植入性广告发展的非常快,且形式各异,电视电影、娱乐节目和网络游戏等各个领域都已经涉及到。植入性广告作为一种新的广告力量不断的出现在我们的视野,尤以电影行业较多。《非诚勿扰》、《爱情左灯右行》和《疯狂的赛车》等几部贺岁大片,都是运用了大量的植入性软广告。虽然在票房上都挺不错,但观众的口碑不怎么好电影里的广告植入有很多种形式,大部分的都是以对白、场景和道具植入为主。电影的这几种艺术元素也是最能表现出生活的,所以被大量的运用到了电影里,其中以道具的植入最为明显。电影艺术元素的运用必须恰到好处,否则,很容易将观众从电影中带出戏,从而失去了电影真正的艺术价值。Abstract More attention and application for the enterprise, advertising expenses climbed, pattern is endless. But advertising is the period implantable a new advertising form, in recent years, the development of domestic implanting advertising is very fast, and different forms, television and movie, entertainment programs and network game, and other fields have been involved.Implanting advertising as a new advertising power has come up in our field of vision, especially in the film industry more. The sincere not faze, love and left light right and crazy car and so on several New Year large, all is the use of a large number of implanting advertisements. Although in the box office are quite nice, but the audience reputation is not very well. In the movie the advertising implanted comes in many forms, most are dialogue, scene and props implant give priority to. The movie of the artistic elements and most can show the life, so by the amount of use to movies, among them with the most obvious props implant. Movie art element apply must be properly, otherwise, its very easy to audience from the movie out of play, thus losing the film really artistic value. . From the psychological characteristics of the audience, combining integrated marketing communication theory, introduced television drama at this stage the development of embedded advertising, clever use of pro



