
新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读 B unit 12.ppt

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新世纪研究生公共英语教材阅读 B unit 12.ppt

Technology Remakes the Schools Unit Twelve Warm-up Activity With the development of the Internet and information technology, students nearly can get any information or knowledge they want on the web, so do you think it is proper for online education to replace the traditional classroom education? Text Learning Does the out-of-school world remain the same continuity as the school life? No rapid and decisive changes Text Learning Why do schools have to change? rapid, decisive changes of the world (workplaces) likely to be replaced by other more responsive institutions Text learning What does computer-driven education advocate? individualization/personalization Active hands-on learning Text Learning What other innovations will have impacts on education? Imaging technology Genetic basis of learning and of various talents Breakthroughs in biology and medicine Text Learning What does education serve for according to the passage? Help youths to be prepared for the rapidly changing roles they can expect to assume in their future careers and life situations. Translation Practice 世界正迈向一个新的时代era——知识经济时代。高新科技的研究开发及其快速产业化,将是每一个国家决胜未来的关键因素。中国媒体经常关注国内科技发展的水平,高科技这一主题已引起了中国人的极大兴趣,但思想上的ideological重视到实际行动之间还有一些距离。怎样实现从商业、制造业经济向高科技经济或知识经济转型,在具体操作上还存在一些困难。 Assignment Review Unit 12 Preview Unit 14 Exercises * * *


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