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cnBeta 2008年度招聘调查表格 全天值班编辑 感谢您参与cnBeta.COM的年度招聘活动。 请认真填写我们提供的调查表格,并在完成后发送至ugmbbc@。在通过我们第一轮的筛选后,我们会回函通知您,并告知实习方案。我们的团队期待您的加盟。 基本情况 称号(昵称) 所处位置 (省份或国家) 专业(专长) 职业(学生可不填) 每天在线时长 精确到小时 常规英文能力 计算机专业英语 填有或者无 联系方式 (尽量完整的填写) E-Mail QQ MSN 常规调查(本部分回答请不要过于简略) 您是什么时候知道并开始了解cnBeta的? 你理想中,cnBeta的稿件文字风格应该是什么样子的。 您是否接触过其他国外的Beta站点?您如何看待cnBeta作为一个言论平台在目前国内IT网站中的所处的位置和前景? 能力测试题 1、根据自己的理解,请用简单的开头来引入,“Microsoft announced they will cancel the plan of Windows 7”这则快讯。(50-200字) 2、请就去年的“珊瑚虫事件”发表一段您的简评(不要低于300字)。 3、翻译题:请从以下三组短文中任选一组,并翻译成中文。(可在不影响表达的情况下尽量缩短文字和翻译的时间,并可以自由发挥以使文章更为有趣可读) (A) Don't throw away those Win32 apps just yet Another common prediction is that Windows 7 will do away with backwards compatibility, and instead, run all previous Win32 applications in a built-in virtual machine. This rumor is false. The theme of "throwing it all away" and starting over with something fresh and new is a common desire in computer enthusiast circles. Typically, people will reference Apple's decision to virtualize the "Classic" Mac OS when the company released OS X, and assume that Microsoft is eager to do the same. However, this argument completely ignores the reasons why Apple went the virtualization route in the first place: "Classic" applications were written to run on an OS with no memory protection and assumed that they could address any piece of memory they wanted. Such applications could only run in a virtual sandbox on a modern OS with full memory protection, such as Mac OS X. Microsoft has no such limitation with Win32 applications, which ran natively on Windows NT ever since its first release in 1993. The Win32 subsystem has worked well ever since. Why would Microsoft throw away years of working, tested code to run Win32 apps in a VM sandbox, with all the attendant extra RAM requirements and barriers to inter-application communication? We believe that Microsoft will be bundling the ability to run older applications in virtual machines if desired as part of the ba


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