毕业论文--基于GE PACSystems RX3i的水箱液位控制设计.doc

毕业论文--基于GE PACSystems RX3i的水箱液位控制设计.doc

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毕业设计(论文) 基于GE PACSystems RX3i的水箱液位控制设 摘 要 液位控制是常见的工业过程控制之一,它广泛运用于水塔、锅炉、高层建筑水箱、罐、工业化工槽等受压容器的液位测量。随着科技的进步,人们对生产的控制精度要求越来越高,所以提高液位控制系统的性能显得十分重要。PAC系统是继PLC、DCS之后的新一代控制系统,综合了计算机技术、自动控制技术和通信技术的一种新型的、多功能控制器平台,广泛应用工业控制领域。因此我们很有必要对PAC RX3i液位控制系统设计进行研究。 本设计采用了PACSystems RX3i控制器对水箱液位设备控制进行了系统设计。主控器采用PACSystems RX3i系列的IC695CPU310模块,控制对象为实验室的水箱液位设备,采用以太网进行通讯,用PME软件完成了系统硬件配置,各个模块的的梯形图设计与调试,实现了任意液位高度的手动/自动调节。在系统远程监控方面,利用IFIX软件进行了远程监控界面的设计,通过对液位数据的采集、处理、输出处理,实现了对液位高度的实时监控、自动/手动的无扰切换、报警显示等功能。 本论文分三部分。在简要介绍了PACSystems RX3i系列PLC的硬件模块、工作原理和梯形图等基础知识上,给出了PACSystems RX3i梯形图编程和实验设备的组态,最后通过现场总线(以太网总线)将现场设备和节点连接。实现了液位控制系统的设计。 关键词:液位控制; PACSystems RX3i; 实时监控; 以太网 Abstract The level control is one of the common industrial process control, it is widely used in cooling towers, boilers, high-rise buildings, water tanks, tanks, industrial chemical tank level measurement of the pressure vessel. With the advances in technology, production control accuracy requirements are high, so to improve the performance of the liquid level control system is very important. The PAC system is following a new generation of PLC, DCS control system, a combination of computer technology, automatic control technology and communication technology, a new, multi-function controller platform, widely used in industrial control field. Therefore imperative that we study the design of the PAC the RX3i level control system.????This design uses the PACSystems RX3i controller tank level device control system design. The master control object for laboratory equipment of the Water Level PACSystems RX3i series IC695CPU310 module, using the Ethernet communication, the PME software system hardware configuration, design and debugging of various modules of the ladder to achieve a any level of a high degree of manual / automatic adjustment. IFIX software system RMON RMON interface design, the level of data collection, processing, output processing, the liquid level in the real-time monitoring, automatic / manual bumpless switching,


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