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毕业论文(设计)题目 《鹿特丹规则》与我国航海过失免责??摘 要国际贸易与国际惯例是两个密不可分的主体。最新国际海上货物运输公约《鹿特丹规则》将在半年之内正式生效,这一海上货物运输制度的出现对我国贸易及海运业发展产生的影响不容忽视。航海过失免责自产生以来就备受争议,各国、各利益集团对是否应该取消航海过失免责的意见并不统一。我国《海商法》对承运人保留航海过失免责。在当前国际贸易下的海上货物运输过程中,中国因航海过失免责而引发一定问题及纠纷,对我国对外贸易的稳定发展造成了不利影响。《鹿特丹规则》取消“航海过失免责”条款。结合目前我国国际贸易发展形势,从《鹿特丹规则》入手分析其对我国航海过失免责引发问题的有利与不利影响。剖析我国国际贸易发展现状,联系实际问题对《海商法》的修改提出建议,分析中国对《鹿特丹规则》应采取的态度,从而更好的促进我国国际贸易的发展。关键词:《鹿特丹规则》; 航海过失免责; 管船过失; 管货过失AbstractInternational Trade is inseparable from International Practice. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, known as the Rotterdam Rules (RR) will be taken effect within half a year. It will be important to the development of our trade and our maritime industry.The nautical fault exemption from liability is completely unique and controversial to shipping business. There are different opinions about whether to eliminate this term. China Maritime Law retains the term of nautical fault exemption from liability. Under the situation of International Trade, China still has problems which caused by the term of nautical fault exemption from liability, and those problems often cause adverse effects to the development of our international trade.The Rotterdam Rules eliminate the term of nautical fault exemption from liability. Under the development trend of our international trade, we can analyze the problems which caused by the term from the view of the Rotterdam Rules, and know beneficial and adverse effects.Combining the present situation of our international trade with practical problems, the paper will give some suggestion about the change in China Maritime Law, so that it can prompt the steady growth of the international trade.Key words: The Rotterdam Rules; Nautical fault exemption from liability; Negligence in Management of Ship; Negligence in care for cargo 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc263384022 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc263384022 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263384023 一、《鹿特丹规则》概述