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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目: 学 院: 专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 摘要 随着工业自动化水平日益提高,众多工业企业均面临着传统生产线的改造和重新设计问题。PLC(可编程序控制器)是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置,它将传统的继电器控制系统与计算机技术结合在一起,近年来在工业自动控制、机电一体化、改造传统产业等方面得到普遍应用。作为通用工业控制计算机,其实现了工业控制领域接线逻辑到存储逻辑的飞跃,在世界工业控制中发挥着越来越重要的作用。鉴于此,设计者利用PLC的功能和特点设计出了一款啤酒灌装生产流水线控制系统。 文章刚开始介绍了PLC的相关知识,接着以啤酒灌装流水线为例,采用三菱公司的FX系列可编程序控制器,介绍了PLC 在啤酒灌装流水线中的应用,给出了详细的程序设计过程。利用PLC控制啤酒灌装生产过程,传送带调速系统,可有效提高灌装生产效率,并显著增加控制系统的可靠性和柔性。最后提出了用控制方面较为成熟的PID 算法来控制全自动灌装压盖机贮液缸内液位和压力的想法。 关键词:可编程控制器;灌装流水线;顺序功能图;梯形图;PID调节 Abstract With the increasing level of industrial automation, many industrial enterprises are faced with the transformation of traditional production line and re-design problem. PLC (programmable logic controller) is a microprocessor as the core of industrial control devices, it will relay the traditional control system combined with computer technology in recent years in industrial automation, mechanical and electrical integration, the transformation of traditional industries such as generally applied. As a general-purpose industrial control computer, the realization of industrial control wiring logical leap in logic to storage, industrial control in the world is playing an increasingly important role. In view of this, the designers of the use of PLC functions and features designed a beverage filling production line control system. The article introduced the PLC beginning of the relevant knowledge, and then to drink bottling line as an example, the use of Mitsubishi FX series programmable logic controller, PLC, introduced in the beverage bottling line in the application, given a detailed program design process. PLC control of the use of beverage filling production process, which can effectively improve the production efficiency of fill


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