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毕业设计 [论文] 摘要 ,也体现在能源的竞争。谁占有丰富的能源,谁就在发展路上占有最有利的优势。当今世界的主要冲突,大都是为了争夺资源而发生的。美国作为世界上最强大的国家,能源的消耗也是巨大的,因此它不惜一次次的挑起争端,用来得到资源。 系统针对学校、图书馆等场所出现的照明浪费现象,分析了室内灯光智能控制的原理和实现方法,提出了基于单片机的室内灯光智能控制的设计思路。该系统以STC89C52单片机作为控制装置的智能部件,采用热释红外传感器检测人体的存在,采用光敏电阻构成的电路检测环境光的强度;当红外传感器在一定范围内检测到有人体信号时,向单片机发送信号,单片机获取信号后向继电器发送信号,从而点亮灯泡,根据合理开灯的条件,系统通过对人体的存在信号和环境光信号的识别和智能判断,完成对室内照明回路的智能控制,避免了用电的大量浪费。 关键词:能源;节能照明;单片机;热释电人体红外;自动控制 Abstract The competition between country and country is also reflected in the competition of the sources of energy. Who has the abundant energy, which is in possession of the most favorable advantage development road? The main conflicts, mostly in order to compete for resources and the. The United States as the most powerful country in the world, the energy consumption is great, so it at a time to stir up trouble, so as to obtain the resources. The system is to a prodigal phenomenon of the illumination by which the location of the classroom and the school library appears. In order to improve the system, based on control and current methods of how to keep control,developing intelligent classroom light control system and developed the hardware and software system. This classroom light intelligent control system the theory of the light put forward methods of on the basis of stc125a60s2 is developed, which machine of AT89C52 is a major part, and the environment of development is better than before. This system can satisfy the following functions, such as controlling the circuit of illumination, testing and processing daylight signal, testing and processing the signal of human body that illuminates the back track exists, reporting to the warning devices. The condition which is the light rationally to complete an intelligent control to a circuit of room lighting and use electricity came near, When the infrared sensor in a certain range of detected signal of human body, sending a signal to the microcontroller, SCM acquisition signal sending a signal to the relay, and lit the lam


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