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大众情感视野下的微小说 摘 要 每个人都可以成为微小说的创作者和阅读者,微小说对于大众群体而言已经不是一个陌生的概念。微小说由微博文化发展而来,火爆一时。国内学术界从理论和文艺批评层面给予了微小说一定的关注,但是并未从微小说产生及发展的情感层面予以解读。微小说作为情感的载体,从大众情感的视野对其进行创新性研读是很有必要的。通过分析微小说流行的原因、表达的情感,并且以情感为原则给微小说重新划分类别,可以客观地看待这一文化现象,这对于微小说的走向具有指导性意义。 关键词:微小说 情感原则 大众视野 ABSTRACT Each of us can be a creator and reader of hint fiction, which is not an unfamiliar concept for public groups by now. The hint fiction in China is developed from our local micro-blog culture, which is very popular nowadays. People in the academic cycle, like many experts and scholars pay close attention to it. But they just do research of them in theory and in literary criticism. In other words, they haven’t interpreted the emergence and development of hint fiction from the emotion aspect. As the carrier of popular emotion, it is necessary to interpret the innovative of hint fiction from the vision of popular sentiments. Through analyzing the reason why it is so popular and what does it tries to express, we can understand it better. Furthermore, we need to rearrange the hint fiction according to the emotion principle. Every one of us can comprehend the cultural phenomenon?of hint fiction objectively if we do things as mentioned above. All the things we do like this have a guidance meaning for the development of hint fiction in the future. Keywords: hint fiction the emotion principle the public view 目 录 前言………………………………………………………………………1 一、微小说的概念和基本特征…………………………………………1 (一)概念……………………………………………………………………1 (二)基本特征………………………………………………………………1 二、以情感为根据,重新为微小说分类………………………………2 (一)人之常情类……………………………………………………………2 (二)褒贬人性类……………………………………………………………5 (三)感悟社会百态类………………………………………………………6 三、从大众情感角度出发研究微小说出现及流行的原因……………8 (一)复杂化的情感为其提供丰富的创作素材……………………………8 (二)紧张的社会节奏为其提供阅读和创作群体…………………………8 四、浅议微小说的走向…………………………………………………9 结语………………………………………………………………………9 参考文献…………………………………………………………………10 前言 微小说并不是真正严格意义上的小说,但是它往往也包含了小说的构成要素,能突出表现人物、环境和情节中的一个或者多个。尤其值得称道的是,微小说以其短小的篇幅承载了强大的情感,引发大众情感的真实流露。 大部分创作者都是利用微小说抒发情感,这种情感涵盖了亲情、爱情、友情等多个方面。综合分析后会发现,这些微小说所表达出来的


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