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摘要 MATLAB下的SIMULINK软件具有强大的功能,而且在不断地得到发展,随着它的版本的更新,各个版本的模块浏览器的表示形式略有不同,但本书所采用的都是基本仿真模块,可以在有关的组中找到,在进一步地学习和应用SIMULINK软件的其它模块后,会为工程设计带来便捷和精确。在工程设计时,首先根据典型I型系统或典型Ⅱ型系统的方法计算调节器参数,然后利用MATLAB下的SIMULINK软件进行仿真,灵活修正调节器参数,直至得到满意的结果。 转速电流双闭环控制的直流调速系统是最典型的直流调速系统,该系统的仿真可以根据系统的动态结构图进行,也可以用Power System的模块来组建。两种仿真不同在于主电路,前者晶闸管和电动机用传递函数来表示,后者使用晶闸管整流器和电动机模型,而控制部分是相同的。由于动态结构图中的晶闸管整流器和电动机传递函数是线性的,其电流可以反向,因此仿真结果略有不同,采用晶闸管整流器和电动机模型的仿真可以更好地反映系统的工作情况。 关键词:直流调速系统、系统建模、仿真 Abstract MATLAB under the SIMULINK software has powerful function, but also in the continuous development, with its version of the update, various versions of the browser that forms with slightly different, but used in this book are the basic simulation module, can be found in the related group, in a further study and application of SIMULINK software other modules, can bring convenient and accurate for engineering design. In engineering design, based on typical I system or typical type system method for the calculation of regulator parameters, then using MATLAB under the SIMULINK software simulation, flexible correction regulator parameters, until a satisfactory result. Speed and current double closed loop control of DC speed control system is the most typical DC speed regulating system, the system simulation based on system dynamics structure diagram, you can also use the Power System module to set up. Two kinds of main circuit simulation is different, the former thyristor and the motor by the transfer function, the latter using thyristor rectifier and a motor model, and the control part are the same. Because of the dynamic structure diagram of the thyristor rectifier and motor transfer function is linear, the current can be reversed, so the simulation result is slightly different, with thyristor rectifier and a motor simulation model can better reflect the system works. Key words: DC speed regulating system, system modeling, simulation 分享到 翻译结果重试 抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流


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