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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 基于FPGA的数字匹配滤波器(DMF)的设计 学 生:周千秋 学 号指导教师:杨力生 专 业:通信工程 重庆大学通信工程学院 二O一二年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Design of the Digital Matched Filter Based on the FPGA Undergraduate: Zhou Qianqiu Supervisor: Prof. Yang Lisheng Major: Communication Engineering College of communication engineering Chongqing University June 2012 摘 要 扩频通信系统与常规的通信系统相比,具有很强的抗人为干扰,抗窄带干扰,抗多径干扰的能力。并具有信息隐蔽、多址保密通信等特点。目前己从军事领域向民用领域发展。而数字匹配滤波器(DMF)更是作为关键部件在通信和雷达接收机中应用广泛。 文章开篇把传统声表面波匹配滤波器数字匹配滤波器数字通信直扩系统中Quartus II 6.0开发平台。第三部分给出了倒置数字匹配滤波器基于FPGA的具体实现方法,并对仿真结果进行分析。最后部分对论文进行了总结。 数字匹配滤波器有多种结构,本文提出的基于倒置结构的实现具有较高的精度和较快的捕获速度,与直接结构相比,倒置结构没有加法延时链。 关键词:数字匹配滤波器,VHDL,现场可编程门阵列,Quartus II,倒置结构 ABSTRACT The spread spectrum (SS) communication system has stronger ability of resisting jamming, narrow band, and multipath interference than that of the conservation communication systems. And it also has the characteristics of low probability of intercept and multiple access secure communication. Nowadays, the SS technology has expanded from the military field to the commercial field. And, Digital Matched Filter (DMF) as the critical section of spread spectrum communication system has more and more application in communication and radar receiver. The article begins with a simple introduction of how DMF apply to digital communication DSSS System and a simple comparison between the traditional SAW-MF and DMF. Then, the paper has analyzed the important parameter and basis circuit framework on marched filter. Part two mainly introduces the background related to the theory. Meanwhile, it also introduces the design platform- Quartus II 6.0 of Altera Company and the VHDL- a sort of hardware design description language. The third part gives the specific implementation of an inverted digital matched filter based on the FPGA and the analysis of simulation results. At last the thesis is summarized. There are a variety of structures of digital matched filter. As proposed in thi


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