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《管理研究方法课程论文》 题目:基于顾客(学生)满意度的高校教学质量评价研究——以浙江工商大学为例 学 院 工商管理学院 专 业 工商管理专业 班 级 工商0902 学 号 0901100142 学生姓名 吴芳颖 指导教师 吴波 2011 年 12 月 摘 要 在高等教育大众化程度日益深化的今天,高等教育质量倍受社会关注。随着高校教学改革的不断深入,高校教学质量评价的手段和方法也在不断完善,传统的教学质量评价方法已经不能完全满足目前高校教学质量评价的实际需求。 顾客满意理论作为一种科学化和系统化的理论,受到了各行业越来越多的重视,也在非营利组织中得到了广泛应用。高等学校属于非营利性质的服务业领域,对其提供的教育服务能否使顾客(尤其是学生)满意已经成为人们关注的焦点。 本文在对顾客满意理论及顾客满意度评价方法进行比较分析的基础上,结合高等学校的教学特点建立了高校教学质量顾客满意度模型,提出了高校教学质量顾客满意度评价指标体系和相应的度量模型。 在此基础上,以浙江工商大学教学质量为研究对象,结合教学服务特点和分析影响顾客满意的因素,采用学校声誉、感知质量、感知价值、顾客抱怨、顾客忠诚等五个变量,对浙江工商大学教学质量的顾客(学生)满意度进行测量,并对测量的结果进行分析,提出有效提升教学质量顾客(学生)满意度的建议。 关键词:顾客;顾客满意度;教学质量评价 Abstract Nowadays ,with the deepening degree of the higher education popularity , the higher education quality draws highly social concern. As the devel opment of college teaching reform ,the teaching quality evaluation method sand means are being continuously improved, the traditional method hasn’t satisfied the actual needs of the present college teaching quality evaluation. Customer satisfaction theory as a scientific and systematic theory , it is taken more and more attention to various sectors, and also has been widely applied in the nonprofit organizations .Higher education teaching service belongs to the service industry. Its provision of education services in that customers (especially students) satisfaction has become the focus of attention. In this paper, based on the comparative analysis of the theory of customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction evaluation method, and combining the characteristics of colleges and universities teaching quality, the paper establishes customer satisfaction model of teaching quality, and bring forwards university teaching quality customer satisfaction evaluation index system and the corresponding measurement model . On this basis, takes the teaching quality of Zhejing Gongshang University as the research object ,combined with teaching service cha


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