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摘 要 图像复原领域中的数字图像修复技术是近几年来比较热门的一个研究课题,它利用图像中已知的有效信息,按照一定规则对破损的图像进行信息填充,得到连续、完整、自然的图像视觉效果。该技术广泛应用于文物保护、老照片的修复、图像中文本信息的去除以及障碍物的去除、影视特技制作以及图像压缩、增强等方面,具有很高的实用价值。本文所做的工作主要体现在以下几个方面: 在阅读和查找图像修复算法的相关文献时,基于个人理解的基础上,整理了一些经典的修复模型或算法,详细介绍和描述这些模型和及其算法原理,如基于偏微分的修复模型包括BSCB模型、TV模型、CDD模型、调和模型等,基于样本块的纹理合成算法如Crimini算法,最后且对这些模型的优缺点进行比较。 在之前的基础上,结合TV、CDD模型优缺点,针对扩散系数进行改进,提出了一个基于偏微分方程的修复模型,它涵盖了TV、CDD、指数曲率模型、对数曲率模型这些子模型,为了仿真实现方便,继而给出了该修复模型及其子模型的离散型模型。通过MATLAB实现该算法,证明该修复模型对于较小区域的图像修复和去噪有很好的效果。 最后总结本论文的创新点和不足点,继而提出该论文可以后续研究探讨的内容。 关键词:数字图像修复;偏微分;纹理合成; ABSTRACT The digital image inpainting technique in the field of image restoration is a hot reseach topic in recent years,using the known valid image information, inpainting the missed or damaged image information according to some rules, to make the image to the extent that the inpainted image looks continuous, intact and natural perceptually. Currently, image inpainting technique has been abroad applied in image processing field, such as digital restoration of ancient paintings for conservations purposes, restoration of the old photos, text,object removalation in images for special effects, vision analysis, data compression and enlargement and so on, which is full of pratical value. This paper attempts to research on digital image inpainting techniques base on the ensemble learning techniques. The main content of this dissertation is described as follows. (1) On the basis of personal understanding of digital image inpainting algorithms got in the process of seaching and reading revelent inferences, this paper reorgnizes some typical inpainting models or algorithms, introducing and describing these models and their algorithm principles in details, like as partial differential equation models including BSCB, TV, CDD etc, and the texture completion exemplar-based inpainting method such as Crimini, at the last making a comparation between these models. (2) According to the previous discussion, combining with


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