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毕业设计论文日产700吨燃油浮法熔窑及锡槽的初步设计-普通白波摘 要本设计为日产700吨浮法熔窑及锡槽的初步设计。采用浮法玻璃成型工艺技术,它是目前国内外生产技术中自动化、机械化最大规模的生产方法。由于这种生产方法并不需要克服玻璃本身的重力,如果使其玻璃原板板面宽度增大,则其拉引速度会显著提高,相应的其生产规模和产量也会得到很大的提高。目前,我国的浮法玻璃生产技术在高新技术方面的优势与国外相比有明显的不足,所以,从浮法技术上的新突破、新技术产品的研发上来看,这次设计是有有一定必要的。就这次设计而言,应该有几个大的方向考虑。首先,通过阅读和浮法玻璃有关的资料,根据我们实习时的各个厂的实际生产状况初步确定原料的组成,然后利用计算好的数据和经验值进行比较,如果不符合则需修改,如果符合,则进行其他的工艺计算,如配合料计算、熔窑设计、选型及尺寸计算等。由于锡槽是总共艺过程的重要阶段,所以要求锡槽要有良好的气密性和可调性。设计完成后要对本次设计进行全面的评估,要求在新技术研发、高质量提高的前提下,尽量做到环境保护,节能,功能化等技术经济指标先进、合理。总之,在这次设计过程中,由于涉及到和浮法玻璃相关专业知识,使得我们对浮法玻璃熔窑及锡槽的初步设计和与浮法玻璃相关的工艺流程有了相当程度的了解,不仅巩固了我们从书本中学习的知识,而且在实际中更能检验真理。关键词:浮法熔窑,普通白波,锡槽,成型工艺,环保700 TONS PER DAY OF NATURAL GENERAL—FUELED FLOATING GLASS FURNACE AND TIN BATH DESIGNABSTRACT The design of the preliminary design of a Nissan 700 tons of float glass furnace,tin bath. Using the technology of glass forming process of float, it is the present domestic and foreign production method of automation, mechanization of the largest technology. Because of this production method does not need to overcome the glass itself gravity, if the original glass plate width increases, the pulling speed will significantly increase,corresponding to the scale of production and production will be greatly improved. At present, the float glass production technology in China in the new and high technology advantages compared with foreign countries there are obvious deficiencies, so, from R D float technology breakthroughs, new product technology point of view, this design is a necessary. In this design, should consider several big direction. Firstly, by reading about and float glass material, composition according to actual production situation of each plant we practice preliminary determination of the raw material, and then use the calculated data and experience value, if not in accordance with the need to modify, if met, then the other process calculation, such as batch computing, melting kiln design, selection and size etc.. Because the tin bath is an important stage in the process,


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