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摘 要 元稹(779-831)字微之,河南人。他八岁丧父,家境贫寒,自幼随母刻苦 自学。十五岁明经及第,揭褐入仕,判入等,补校书郎。元和元年(公元 806 年)举制科,对策第一,拜左拾遗。历任河南尉、监察御史、江陵府士曹参军、 唐州从事、通州司马、虢州长史、膳部员外郎、膳部员外郎试知制诰、祠部郎 中知制诰、中书舍人承旨翰林学士、工部侍郎、守工部侍郎同平章事、同州刺 史、越州刺史浙东观察使、尚书左丞、鄂州刺史武昌军节度使等职。著有《元 氏长庆集》一百卷,《小集》十卷。 元稹的文章反映了中唐严峻的社会现实,主张文学形式服从于内容,强调 直笔,反对虚辞。作为中唐文学革新的倡导者和实践者,元稹的表状奏疏创作, 给当时的文坛带来了一定的影响,使朝廷的应用公文由华而不实转变为自然古 朴、实用雅正,对中唐文风的改变和文学革新的发展在一定程度上起到了引领 和促进的作用。元稹表状奏疏的写作在内容方面主要是向君主陈述政见、匡正 时弊,涉及封建社会的政治、经济、军事等各个层面,体现了元稹的治国之才 和忧国之心;在形式方面讲究修辞文采、感情真挚、语言优美、抒情激切、说 理畅达、言约意丰。元稹积极尝试,把散文的一些优点融入到骈文的写作之中, 形成了自然晓畅的独特风格。元稹的表状奏疏在文体、文风、技巧、语言等方 面对前人多有学习、借鉴之处,而又能化为己用,取得了较高的艺术成就。 关键词:元稹;表状;思想;写作艺术 1 Abstract Yuan Zhen 779-831 has another name Weizhi, his native is Henan ProvinceWhen he was 8 years old, his father died, his family was poor, their mothers hard work since childhood self. 15-year-old out by the third, exposing brown official career, sentence, etc., make up Collator. Element and the first year AD 806 The System of Division, Strategy First, thanks to Zuo Shiyi. Former Henan Wei, monitoring censor, Gangneung Shi Cao government to join the army, the state engaged in the Tang, Tongzhou Sima, Guo Zhou Changshi, Kashiwade Yuanwai Lang, Kashiwade Yuanwai Lang test Zhizhi Gao, Cibu doctor Zhizhi Gao, in the book Toneri Cheng Zhi Imperial Academy, and Industry assistant minister, assistant minister with the Ping Zhangshi Municipal Code, with the prefectural governor, the more prefectural governor east of Zhejiang observation to make, Shang Zuo Cheng, Hubei Wuchang Jun Jiedushi rank of prefectural governor. Author of Yuan Shi Chang Qing set 100 volume small set ten volumesYuan Zhen Tang article reflects the grim reality of the society subject to the content advocates literary forms, emphasizing direct pen, against the virtual addressLiterature in the Tang Dynasty as an advocate and practitioner of innovation, Yuan Zhen-shaped memorial to the throne table creation, to then bring a certain influence on literature, so that the application of court doc


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