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摘 要 本文讨论中国高校学生的职业认知状况。在文献研究和访谈调查的基础上, 笔者对1000名北京高校的学生进行了问卷调查。在对调查结果进行统计分析的 基础上,探索性地开发出测量大学生职业认知水平的测量工具,客观地展现出 中国高校在校学生的职业认知总体水平偏下的状况。通过对所得的有效数据进 行单因素方差分析、相关分析,结果表明:不同年级、专业、毕业预期的学生 的职业认知水平显示出显著的差异。对有效数据进行因子分析的结果表明:中 国高校学生的职业认知水平主要受到信息掌握因子(包括对现在毕业生的求职 方式方法的掌握、对现在毕业生求职过程的掌握、对现在大学生就业市场状况 很了解、知道师哥师姐们在做哪些工作、参加过校外社会实践、对现在大学生 就业的有关新闻很关注)和主观期望因子(包括对自己未来的职业很期待、对 毕业后的职业生涯非常憧憬、对所学专业非常感兴趣及有明确的职业目标)的 影响,且主观期望因子者的影响程度高于信息掌握因子。在这些结论的基础上, 本研究为政府、学校和学生分别提出了相应的政策建议。 关键词:职业认知;大学生就业;职业规划;影响因素 1Abstract In this article, career cognition of students of Chinese colleges and universities is discussed. The author carried out a series of questionnaire survey, based on literature studies and interview surveys, to about 1,000 students from different colleges and universities in Beijing. Through statistical analysis to the survey result, our team exploratory invented the tool for measuring career cognition of students of colleges and universities and made the objective conclusion that their career cognition is generally at a lower level. Through one-way analysis of variance and the related analysis to the vested valid data, it can be concluded that great distinction of career cognition exists among different grades, majors, graduates. Through factorial analysis to the valid data, it is known that career cognition of students from Chinese colleges and universities is mainly influenced by factors informational acquisition and subjective expectation. The former includes the acquisition of ways and methods, processes, job markets and the related news of employment for modern students from colleges and universities, of working condition of senior fellow apprentices, as well as participation concerning social practice outside campus; the later includes longing for self future career, high expectation for post-graduation working career, intense interest in the profession one is absorbed in, and specific career object. And also, it can be concluded that influence of the later is more e



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