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摘 要 孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命推翻了清政府的封建专制统治,建立了中华民 国,为中国资本主义及对外贸易的发展创造了有利的条件,但是无论在北京国 民政府时期还是南京国民政府时期,都不能为经济发展和对外贸易的发展提供 稳定的环境 本文对当时的中美贸易(集中于 1912-1936 年)进行宏观分析,首先对民 国之前中美贸易的发展状况进行一个简要的总结和分析,接着介绍民国时期的 中美贸易状况。进而从三个方面对中美贸易进行理论分析。 第一方面,对当时的中美贸易条件进行分析,主要包括中国对美价格贸易 条件分析和中国对美收入贸易条件分析。 第二方面,分析中美贸易与当时中国国际收支之间的关系,从而得出中美 贸易对中国国际收支的影响。 第三方面,分析中美贸易对当时中国工业发展的影响,主要从两个方面进 行分析,即不利影响和有利影响。 最后在结尾部分对当时的中美贸易做一个总结。 关键词:中美贸易,价格贸易条件指数,收入贸易条件指数 3 Abstract The Xinhai revolution that leaded by Mr. Sun overthrows the feudalism rule of the Qing Dynasty.It builded the Republic government.And it created a beneficial condition for the development of the Chinese capitalism and the foreign trade.But it cant provide stable environment for the development of the economy development and foreign trade both in the Republic government of Beijing and Nanjing. This text have a macroscopic analysis to the trade between America and China from 1912 to 1936.First I carry on a summary and analysis of the trade between America and China before Republic government,then introduce the condition of the trade in the times of the Republic government.Last I carry on theories analysis to the trade from three aspect. First,I analyse the trade terms of Chinese foreign to America which conclude the price terms of trade and the revenue terms of trade. Second,I analyse the trade between America and China and Chinese balance of payment. And find the influence of the trade and Chinese balance of payment. Third, I analyse the influence of the trade between America and China and the development of the Chinese industry. At last,I have a conclusion of the trade between America and China. Keywordd:The trade between America and China , Price terms of trade , Revenue terms of t


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