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摘要 在现代人们生活、工业生产中,对许多设备的自动控制、节能环保的要求越来越高。本系统主要针对传统水暖锅炉运行中自动化程度低、耗能大、系统运行不稳定等缺点,对现代水暖锅炉的控制方式进行了优化改进。本设计主要通过两个数字温度传感器DS18B20分别对环境温度和锅炉出水温度进行实时信号采集,用压力传感器PT125作为对锅炉压力的实时信号采集,单片机AT89S51可根据这些信号进行实时的程序运算,通过输出信号控制变频器的运行方式,从而实现对锅炉系统中循环泵、风机、补水泵等部件的自动控制,保证系统节能、安全运行。另外为了使系统操作、维护更加方便,加入了手动按键操作、显示和报警等电路。本设计的变频控制系统实现了锅炉过程的自动控制,有效的降低了能耗,系统安装维护方便,运行稳定、可靠,具有较高的实用价值和优越性。 关键词:?水位温度循环自动控制 Abstract We need a high effective way for auto control, energy-saving in mordern life and industry’s equipments. This system mainly to realize the water- heating boiler worked in good function to change the working way of traditional heating boiler which work in the low automatic, high-cost and non-stable situation. It uses two temperature sensor DS18B20 to measure water temperature and environmental temperature, uses water level sensor to measure water level, uses PT125 transducer to detect the pressure of boiler, the SCM-AT89S51 work to program under the function of these sign to control the running way of VFD, so the units of the equipment, such as recycle pump, blower, water pump, can be controlled automatically and the system work in a safe and ennergy-saving situation. Furthermore, the hand-button, dispalying and alerting circuit are put in the system for more convenient operation and repairing. The varied-frequency system can control the process of the heating automatically, and the consumption is lowed effectively, which work in a stable situation and have a lot of utility value and excellence. Keywords: Water level, Water temperature, Circulation, Auto-control., Varied frequency 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 系统总体方案 1 2.1系统结构框图 1 2.2系统设计方案 2 3 系统硬件配置 3 3.1 单片机配置 3 3.2 温度传感器配置 4 3.3 变频器配置 5 3.4 气压传感器配置 6 3.5 模数转换器配置 6 4 系统的具体设计与实现 7 4.1系统控制流程图 7 4.2 风机、循环泵控制系统 8 4.2.1 风机、循环泵硬件控制电路 8 4.2.2 风机、循环泵软件控制流程 9 4.3 水位控制系统 9 4.3.1 水位控制硬件电路 10 4.3.2 补水泵软件控制设计流程 11 4.4 压力控制系统 11 4.5 自动报警电路 12 4.6 手动按键控制路 12 4.7显示部分电路 13 4.8电气控制电路 13 5 结束语 15 参考文献 15 附录1 系统总电路图 16 附录2 程序清单 17 1 绪论 随着社会经济的飞速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,对城市生活供暖的数量和


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